Search Results
Your search for "Social change" returned the following 17 expert(s):

Senior fellow
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of International Development and Global Studies
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (4531)
Cell: 613-697-9814
Home: 613-842-9814
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Home Telephone, Cell Telephone
Research information:
Foreign Aid; Aid Effectiveness; Development Issues-South and South East Asia; Development Issues in Post Conflict Countries and Peace Building Measures; Fragile & Conflict States; Development and Reconstruction in Afghanistan. More than 40 years of experience with CIDA, IDRC and NGOs. Lived and worked several years as a professional in several South and South East Asian Countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar). Travelled widely and continues to make quarterly visits (especially Afghanistan, Bangladesh and India) and other developing countries for research purposes.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Afghanistan
- Asian history
- Democracy and democratization
- Development
- Economic development
- Food security
- Foreign aid
- Foreign aid
- Globalization
- India
- International development
- International development and globalization
- International political economy
- International political economy
- International projects
- International relations
- Operations/project management
- Performance measurement
- Performance measures
- Political economy
- Project management
- Rural development
- Social change
- Social policy
- Southeast Asia
- Sustainable development
- Women and development
Language preference:
English only, Bengali; Hindi; Urdu
BARIL, Alexandre »
Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Social Work
Contact information:
Office: 6135625800 #6386
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
Author of the book: Undoing Suicidism: A Trans, Queer, Crip Approach to Rethinking (Assisted) Suicide (2023) Fields of specialization: Suicide; Suicidality; Assisted suicide; Medical assistance in dying (MAID); Euthanasia; Physician-assisted suicide; Marginalized groups; Disability; Mental Health. Many articles available on: of expertise:
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- Disability
- Francophone rights
- Health policy
- Linguistic ideology
- Mental health
- Minority languages
- Sex/sexuality
- Social change
- Social justice
- Social norms
- Suicide
Language preference:
English and French
BURLONE, Nathalie »
Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (2242)
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
My current work focuses on medical aid in dying, end-of-life policies, family policies, and emotions and public policies. In am interested in the processes that condition social policy development, including the construction of public problems, social representations and public policy instruments. Canadian public policy - provincial level mostly - Quebec / OntarioArea(s) of expertise:
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Language preference:
English and French
CHAMBERLIN, Tyler Adam »

Assistant professor
Telfer School of Management
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (4703)
Cell: 613-863 5251
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone
Research information:
Tyler Chamberlin conducts research into industrial innovation and its impacts on individual firms and the economy. He has investigated sector differences in the methods and impact of innovation in Canada and elsewhere with particular attention to issues of strategy and finance. He teaches courses on international business and multinational business strategy in the Telfer School of Management where he has taught since 2002 and his educational background is in Economics, Management and Public Policies.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Canadian politics
- Change management
- Corporate governance
- Culture
- Decision analysis
- Economic development
- Economics
- Entrepreneurship
- Globalization
- International business
- International business management
- International commerce
- International development and globalization
- International political economy
- International political economy
- International trade and environment
- Knowledge management
- Management
- Ottawa Valley
- Public administration
- Social change
- Technology
- Telecommunications
Language preference:
English only
CORAK, Miles »
Professor of Public and International Affairs
Full professor
Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
Contact information:
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
My current research focuses on issues associated with poverty, child poverty, immigration, and the well-being of children and their capacity to become successful adults. These issues touch upon most aspects of social policy, labour markets, and family policy in Canada and other OECD countries.
Area(s) of expertise:
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Language preference:
English only
DA ROSA, Victor M.P. »

Full professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (1312)
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Office Telephone
Research information:
Relations ethniques. Développement international. Diaspora portugaise (au Québec, en Afrique du Sud et au Vénézuela). Anthropologie économique.
Area(s) of expertise:
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Language preference:
English and French , portugais, espagnol / Portuguese, Spanish
DORAN, Marie-Christine »

Assistant professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies
Contact information:
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
I work on the evolution of democracy and governance in Latin America. Themes such as : political changes (turn to the left), violence, justice and human rights, poverty, socio-political and religious movements, political legitimacy, as well as Latin America's relation with other parts of the world are my main areas.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Constitution
- Courts
- Democracy and democratization
- Geopolitics
- Globalization
- Human rights
- Human rights
- International criminal court
- International development
- International law
- International law
- International political economy
- Justice
- Political ideology
- Political ideology
- Political theory
- Political violence
- Poverty
- Social change
- Social politics
- Social trends
- Terrorism
- Torture
- Trade/free trade
- Violence
Language preference:
English and French , Espagnol
Research Director (AMLAC&S)
Full professor
Faculty of Arts
Contact information:
Office: 6135625800#3826
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
Questions of intercultural communication, medias' representation of ethnic minorities; cultural identity, racism, racialization, and cultural history in Canada and in Black Africa.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Aboriginal Studies
- Acculturation
- Anthropology
- Artificial intelligence
- Canadian history
- Canadian studies
- Communications and ethics
- Communications and technology
- Cultural belonging
- Cultural history
- Cultural identity
- Culture
- Feminist politics and theory
- Francophonie and society
- Gender in information and communications technologies
- Globalization
- Hate crimes
- Immigration
- Intercultural communication
- International communication
- Media
- Organizational communications
- Political communications
- Political philosophy
- Political philosophy
- Political theory
- Political violence
- Postcolonial studies
- Poverty
- Race
- Racism
- Social change
- Social justice
- Social norms
- Social politics
- Torture
Language preference:
English and French
KEMPA, Michael »

Department of Criminology
Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (2572)
Cell: 437-974-3893
Preferred method of contact:
Office Telephone
Research information:
I am interested in all aspects of human security. In particular, I focus upon the role of public and private policing agencies in shaping collective order. I am interested in the powers, culture and accountability of public and private policing agencies. Looking at trends in policing tells us a lot about current directions in politics and economics at home and abroad.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Community policing
- Human rights
- International criminality
- Justice
- Police
- Political violence
- Poverty
- Social change
- Social politics
- Social trends
- Terrorism
Language preference:
English and French
MCCURDY, Patrick »
Assistant professor
Faculty of Arts
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (2728)
Website Department of Communication
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
Media strategies of civil society actors (including Twitter and Facebook); Representation of protests and civil society in the media; Media events (e.g. the Olympics, Eurovision, Super Bowl etc.) and the "media eventisation" of society; Consequences of living in a media-saturated society; Media and international Development; Representation of suffering; Journalism; WikiLeaks; Trial of Bradley Manning; Protest Camps; Occupy movement.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Communications and technology
- Intercultural communication
- Journalism
- Media
- Multimedia
- Social change
- Social trends
Language preference:
English only
MONDAIN, Nathalie »
Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
Trained in demography and sociology, I defended my PhD in 2004. I am interested in social and demographic changes in West Africa. I explore these issues by studying family dynamics and gender relationships, working more particularly on education, migration and family reconfigurations through marriage processes. I also work on the ethical issues related to our research methodologies through the lenses of pedagogic decolonisation in the academic environment. My current projects are on young and adolescent girls' educational dynamics in Senegal, and on immigrants' social participation to the host society in Canada/Québec.
Area(s) of expertise:
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Language preference:
English and French , suédois
Full professor
Faculty of Law, Common Law Section
Contact information:
Office: 613 562 5800 (7742)
Cell: 613 286 9966
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone, Office Telephone
Research information:
My interest is in examining how intellectual property rights or legal frameworks for governance and protection of knowledge have diverse impacts on many spheres, including but not limited to agriculture, food security, biotechnology, biodiversity conservation, biosafety, human rights (access to health, education and benefits of technology/scientific advancements, etc). I am also concerned with the nature of interaction or impact that intellectual property rights have in regard to developmental aspirations of marginalized peoples, especially indigenous and local communities across the globe. Most of my work focus on mapping and understanding the interface of intellectual property and development. I also work within the broader international political relations of power between Africa, indeed, the global south and the global north.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Africa
- Contract law
- Democracy and democratization
- Environmental law
- Food politics
- Foreign Policy
- Globalization
- Health law
- Indigenous Rights
- Intellectual property
- International development
- International development and globalization
- International environmental law
- International law
- International relations
- New agricultural production techniques
- Social change
Language preference:
English only, Igbo
PACOM, Diane M. »

Emeritus professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (1370)
Preferred method of contact:
Office Telephone
Research information:
Youth culture, social trends, art, virtual reality, popular culture, electronic highway, family, education, New Age religions, millennium.
Area(s) of expertise:
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Language preference:
English and French , grec, italien / Greek, Italian
RAMISCH, Joshua »

Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (4421)
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Office Telephone
Research information:
Food security, agriculture, food policy, food aid, peasant farming, globalization, international development, development project management, African environmental issues, African social change, Kenya, Mali, Uganda, Tanzania, NGOs in Africa.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Anthropology
- Climate change
- Colonization
- Ecology
- Globalization
- International development and globalization
- International trade and environment
- Postcolonial studies
- Project management
- Social change
- Soils
- Women and development
Language preference:
English and French
RODGERS, Kathleen »
Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Office: 613 562 5800 ext 6566
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
Recent author of Protest, Activism and Social Movements, Kathleen Rodgers studies contemporary activism. She is particularly interested in the influence of social movements in Canada and has studied the women's movement, as well as online forms of activism. She is currently studying the forms of activism preferred by youth.
Area(s) of expertise:
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Language preference:
English only
Assistant professor
Faculty of Arts
Contact information:
Cell: 581.235.3700
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone
Research information:
Dr. Ross-Tremblay is an indigenous (Innu) expert with over 20 years of experience on issues related to First Peoples. He has advanced expertise in complex problem solving, institutional design, conflict management and diplomacy. His current research focuses on cultural memory and oblivion, intellectual traditions and indigenous narratives, and practices of self-determination.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Aboriginal Studies
- Canadian studies
- Colonization
- Constitutional law
- Cultural identity
- Empowerment
- Philosophy of law
- Political philosophy
- Political violence
- Racism
- Resistance
- Social change
- Social norms
Language preference:
English and French , Espagnol

University Research Chair
Full professor
Faculty of Education
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (4161)
Cell: Contact Media team
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone
Research information:
Relationship of schooling to society, social norms; education and democracy; teachers' workplace environment; civic education; service learning; politics and education; youth civic engagement and activism; different philosophies of education; testing, standards, and "accountability''.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Canadian politics
- Curriculum
- Democracy
- Democracy and democratization
- Education
- Evaluation
- Freedom
- Nationalism
- Political ideology
- Social change
- Testing
- Youth
Language preference:
English only
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