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Your search for "Food security" returned the following 5 expert(s):

Senior fellow
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of International Development and Global Studies
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (4531)
Cell: 613-697-9814
Home: 613-842-9814
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Home Telephone, Cell Telephone
Research information:
Foreign Aid; Aid Effectiveness; Development Issues-South and South East Asia; Development Issues in Post Conflict Countries and Peace Building Measures; Fragile & Conflict States; Development and Reconstruction in Afghanistan. More than 40 years of experience with CIDA, IDRC and NGOs. Lived and worked several years as a professional in several South and South East Asian Countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar). Travelled widely and continues to make quarterly visits (especially Afghanistan, Bangladesh and India) and other developing countries for research purposes.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Afghanistan
- Asian history
- Democracy and democratization
- Development
- Economic development
- Food security
- Foreign aid
- Foreign aid
- Globalization
- India
- International development
- International development and globalization
- International political economy
- International political economy
- International projects
- International relations
- Operations/project management
- Performance measurement
- Performance measures
- Political economy
- Project management
- Rural development
- Social change
- Social policy
- Southeast Asia
- Sustainable development
- Women and development
Language preference:
English only, Bengali; Hindi; Urdu
CALOF, Jonathan »

Full Professor
Full professor
Telfer School of Management
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (4779)
Cell: 613-292-5007
Home: 613-228-0509
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Home Telephone
Research information:
Jonathan Calof is a full professor of strategy and international business at the Telfer School of Management. His research and consulting focuses on helping governments and companies make better decisions through competitive intelligence, foresight and business analytics. He is a prolific author with over 150 publications to his credit and a popular speaker with over 1000 speeches and workshops as well as dozens of media interviews.Jonathan is the author and co-editor of several books on competitive intelligence including co-editor of the Competitive Intelligence Foundation’s Conference and Trade Show Intelligence book. He also pens a column on event intelligence for competitive intelligence magazine and is executive editor for Frontline Safety and Security. In addition to his involvement in the consulting and academic world, Dr. Calof is also a director with several companies. Recently Dr. Calof released the results of a global study looking at lessons learned from the largest corporate failure in Canadian corporate history. The study results have led to new tools and skills for boards of directors, measurements for organizational resiliency and understanding of how the black cloud of customer doubt begins how it can be measured and managed. He has received several international honours including Frost and Sullivan’s life time achievement award in competitive intelligence; Fellow award from the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals; Honorary Professor at Yunnan Normal University in China; Appointment to the international advisory board for the Russian Foresight Committee of HSE; Honorary member of the Russian Society of Competitive Intelligence Professional; Board of advisors for the Centre en Intelligence Economique et Management Stratégique(CIE'MS/Center for Competitive Intelligence and Strategic Management in Morocco. Understanding how large companies fail and succeed - the Nortel research study . Competitive and business intelligence internationally. Knowledge management and international business. International competitivenessArea(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Business
- Competitive intelligence
- Decision analysis
- E-commerce
- Entrepreneurship
- Ethics in international affairs
- Food security
- International business management
- International commerce
- Internet
- Knowledge bases
- Knowledge management
Language preference:
English only
Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 X1716
Cell: 819-431-8740
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone
Research information:
My research focuses on climate change governance and sustainability policy debates. In particular: high-speed rail development in Canada; low-carbon transportation in Canada; global aviation and climate governance (CORSIA); nuclear power and climate change; sustainable livestock; cows or cattle and climate change; methane and climate change; regenerative agriculture and climate change; sustainable protein; plant-based proteins; protein transition; "green growth" and "degrowth" and the environment.Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Alternatives
- Climate change
- Decision-making at the interface of science and policy
- Energy (electricity, oil, natural gas)
- Environmental Communication
- Environmental policy
- Food security
- Food sustainability
- Global warming
- Globalization
- International political economy
- International trade and environment
- Sustainable development
Language preference:
English only
MUNRO, Lauchlan »

Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of International Development and Global Studies
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (4534)
Cell: 613-878-5001
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone
Research information:
1) Does aid to developing countries work? Why or why not? 2) How can governments in poor countries provide adequate health care and education to all their citizens, including the poorest and most vulnerable? 3) How should governments around the world cope with economic risk and uncertainty? 4) How can governments in poor countries provide social protection (health insurance, old-age pensions, unemployment insurance, drought relief)? 5) What role does science and technology play in development? What do appropriate science-for-development policies look like? 6) What does the future hold for Zimbabwe?
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Africa
- Economic development
- Economic policies
- Food security
- Foreign aid
- International development and globalization
- International health
- International organizations
- Performance measurement
- Public administration
- Social policy
Language preference:
English and French
Part-time professor
Faculty of Arts
Contact information:
Cell: 613-762-7822
Home: 613-837-0058
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Home Telephone
Research information:
Indigenous perspectives, indigenous cosmovisions, indigenous epistemologies, development, globalization, sustainable development, indigenous governance
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Aboriginal history
- Aboriginal Studies
- American history
- Climate change
- Colonization
- Communications and technology
- Environmental economics
- Food security
- Foreign aid
- Global warming
- Globalization
- Globalization
- Indigenous Conceptions
- Indigenous Prophecies
- Indigenous Responsibilities
- Indigenous Rights
- International development
- Latin America
- Moral philosophy
- Native teacher education
- Other
- Sustainable development
Language preference:
English and French , Spanish
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Sub-categories for "International"
- China
- Corporate Social Responsibly
- Diasporas and Remittances
- Economics
- Ethics in international affairs
- Food security
- Foreign aid
- Foreign Policy
- Globalization
- Haiti
- Human rights
- India
- International arbitration
- International business management
- International commerce
- International communications
- International criminal court
- International criminal law
- International development
- International development and globalization
- International environmental law
- International financial institutions
- International health
- International human rights law
- International humanitarian law
- International Investment Law
- International law
- International organizations
- International political economy
- International relations
- International tax treaties
- International terrorism
- International trade
- International trade and environment
- International trade law
- Latin America
- New agricultural production techniques
- Private international law
- Southeast Asia
- Transatlantic Relations
- Transnationalism
- Vietnam