Search Results

Your search for "Native teacher education" returned the following 4 expert(s):

NG-A-FOOK, Nicholas »

Director of Teacher Education
Associate professor
Faculty of Education

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800 (2239)
Cell: 613-866-1203

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Cell Telephone, Office Telephone

Research information:

Dr. Ng-A-Fook is the Director of the Teacher Education program at the University of Ottawa. He is the President-elect of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), the largest professional association for educational research in Canada. His main areas of expertise are the following: curriculum studies; educational policy reform and implementation; Indigenous and non-Indigenous relations within the contexts of public education and educational mandates of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission; life history research; community-university research partnerships; social innovation; and brokering knowledge mobilization.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French

OUELLETTE, Robert Falcon »

Associate professor
Faculty of Education

Contact information:

Cell: 2045100844

Preferred method of contact:

Cell Telephone

Research information:

Indigenous education, military, ethics, warrior culture, anthropology, Indigenous education programs, politics, Parliament, Federal politics, MPs, languages, environment, resource extraction.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French , Mandarin


Part-time professor
Faculty of Arts

Contact information:

Cell: 613-762-7822
Home: 613-837-0058

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Home Telephone

Research information:

Indigenous perspectives, indigenous cosmovisions, indigenous epistemologies, development, globalization, sustainable development, indigenous governance

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French , Spanish

SALANOVA, AndrĂ©s Pablo »

Assistant professor
Faculty of Arts

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800 (1759)

Preferred method of contact:

Office Telephone

Research information:

My research concentrates on the grammatical structure of the indigenous languages spoken in the lowlands of South America, in particular that of Mebengokre, spoken by approximately 10.000 people in central Brazil.

More broadly, I'm interested in Eastern Brazil and the Chaco as cultural areas, in their ethnographic, historical, archaeological and linguistic aspects.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French , Espagnol/Spanish, Portugais/Portuguese, Mebengokre

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