Search Results
Your search for "Social norms" returned the following 9 expert(s):
BARIL, Alexandre »
Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Social Work
Contact information:
Office: 6135625800 #6386
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
Author of the book: Undoing Suicidism: A Trans, Queer, Crip Approach to Rethinking (Assisted) Suicide (2023) Fields of specialization: Suicide; Suicidality; Assisted suicide; Medical assistance in dying (MAID); Euthanasia; Physician-assisted suicide; Marginalized groups; Disability; Mental Health. Many articles available on: of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Disability
- Francophone rights
- Health policy
- Linguistic ideology
- Mental health
- Minority languages
- Sex/sexuality
- Social change
- Social justice
- Social norms
- Suicide
Language preference:
English and French
Research Director (AMLAC&S)
Full professor
Faculty of Arts
Contact information:
Office: 6135625800#3826
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
Questions of intercultural communication, medias' representation of ethnic minorities; cultural identity, racism, racialization, and cultural history in Canada and in Black Africa.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Aboriginal Studies
- Acculturation
- Anthropology
- Artificial intelligence
- Canadian history
- Canadian studies
- Communications and ethics
- Communications and technology
- Cultural belonging
- Cultural history
- Cultural identity
- Culture
- Feminist politics and theory
- Francophonie and society
- Gender in information and communications technologies
- Globalization
- Hate crimes
- Immigration
- Intercultural communication
- International communication
- Media
- Organizational communications
- Political communications
- Political philosophy
- Political philosophy
- Political theory
- Political violence
- Postcolonial studies
- Poverty
- Race
- Racism
- Social change
- Social justice
- Social norms
- Social politics
- Torture
Language preference:
English and French
HIMICK, Darlene »
Associate professor
Telfer School of Management
Contact information:
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Research information:
I currently research the range of positions that investors take to respond to climate. These include incorporating ESG in their investment policies, engaging with companies, or divesting from fossil fuels entirely. I am currently involved on a large project about the fossil fuel divestment movement, comprised of students, faculty, and other activists worldwide who promote the exit from carbon intensive industries, in large institutional investors like pension funds, universities, and governments. I examine the range of responses to this movement, from doing nothing, to adopting a net-zero approach, all the way to committing to divest from energy companies.Area(s) of expertise:
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- Accounting
- Climate change
- Corporate Social Responsibly
- Decision-making at the interface of science and policy
- Disclosure
- Environmental policy
- Ethics
- Finance
- International financial institutions
- Labour relations
- Policy
- Regulation
- Social norms
- Social trends
- Sustainable development
Language preference:
English only
MONDAIN, Nathalie »
Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
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Research information:
Trained in demography and sociology, I defended my PhD in 2004. I am interested in social and demographic changes in West Africa. I explore these issues by studying family dynamics and gender relationships, working more particularly on education, migration and family reconfigurations through marriage processes. I also work on the ethical issues related to our research methodologies through the lenses of pedagogic decolonisation in the academic environment. My current projects are on young and adolescent girls' educational dynamics in Senegal, and on immigrants' social participation to the host society in Canada/Québec.
Area(s) of expertise:
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Language preference:
English and French , suédois
MOREAU, Nicolas »

Assistant professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Social Work
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Research information:
I am particularly interested in mental health. I study the links between social norms and mental issues. I published the following work in 2009 that draws upon this topic: État dépressif et temporalité: Contribution à la sociologie de la santé mentale (Éditions Liber). My research also focuses on the practice of sport. As such, the Montreal Canadians represent, for me, an incredible mirror of contemporary social demands. I co-edited the book Le canadien de Montréal: Une légende repensée, (Presses de l’Université de Montréal) in 2011. It investigates the social impact of this great hockey team. I also study how sport can constitute a tool for psychosocial development, as a part of innovative intervention practices for troubled youth.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Mental health
- Social norms
- Sociology of individuals
- Sociology of sports practice
- Sport for psychosocial development
Language preference:
Français seulement
Assistant professor
Faculty of Arts
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (3679)
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
My research focuses mainly on the question of linguistic justice and confidence in pluricultural contexts. My research on linguistic justice aims to shed light on the reasons for which we need to recognize linguistic rights for certain minorities. My research on confidence aims to better understand the problem of defiance which we find in contexts marked by diversity.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Economics (ethics)
- Justice
- Minority languages
- Moral philosophy
- Philosophy of law
- Political philosophy
- Social norms
Language preference:
English and French
Assistant professor
Faculty of Arts
Contact information:
Cell: 581.235.3700
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone
Research information:
Dr. Ross-Tremblay is an indigenous (Innu) expert with over 20 years of experience on issues related to First Peoples. He has advanced expertise in complex problem solving, institutional design, conflict management and diplomacy. His current research focuses on cultural memory and oblivion, intellectual traditions and indigenous narratives, and practices of self-determination.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Aboriginal Studies
- Canadian studies
- Colonization
- Constitutional law
- Cultural identity
- Empowerment
- Philosophy of law
- Political philosophy
- Political violence
- Racism
- Resistance
- Social change
- Social norms
Language preference:
English and French , Espagnol
Assistant professor
Faculty of Law, Common Law Section
Contact information:
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Research information:
My research focuses on penal policies and use of mixed legal regimes in the governance of deviance and security. Domestically, I work on the uses of criminal law, immigration law and regulatory regimes in the control of protesters, immigration and street gangs. Internationally, I focus on criminal justice in adversarial and inquisitorial systems (more specifically in Brazil, France and Canada). I collaborate with Brazilian colleagues in the areas of politics, criminal justice, policing and security policies.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Alternatives to imprisonment
- Crime
- Criminal law
- Globalization
- History of the Canadian penal system
- Human rights
- Human rights
- Human rights
- Immigration
- Justice
- Latin America
- Philosophy of law
- Police
- Policy
- Sentencing
- Social norms
Language preference:
English and French , Portuguese
ZHANG, Yongjing »

Associate Professor
Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (4860)
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Office Telephone
Research information:
- China's economy and governance
- Public finance, especially fiscal federalism
- Social dilemma
- Political economy of economic growth and institutional change
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- China
- Development
- Economic development
- Economic models
- Economic policies
- Economics of sports
- Political economy
- Social norms
Language preference:
English only, Mandarin
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