Search Results

Your search for "Canadian politics" returned the following 24 expert(s):

BEAUDRY, Charles-Étienne »

Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies

Contact information:

Cell: 613-606-1729

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Cell Telephone

Research information:

I recently obtained a Ph.D. in political science and wrote a thesis on the influence of conspiracy theories in the 2016 American presidential race. In February, I self-published a book called Radio Trump: How he won the first time. Since 2021, I have been teaching several courses at uOttawa in political science and public administration (French and English), including on politics in the U.S.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French


Part-time professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies

Contact information:

Office: 613-858-2314

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Office Telephone

Research information:

My research program focuses on cultural and creative industries policies. In particular, I am interested in digital culture and the role of the cultural industries in creating and promoting a sense of identity and place.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French

BEHIELS, Michael D. »

Michael D. Behiels

Emeritus professor
Faculty of Arts

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800 (1305)
Home: 613-837-9483

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Home Telephone

Research information:

I am a political, constitutional, intellectual historian who deals with Canadian political and constitutional matters since 1945. I am a specialist in Canadian federalism, federal-provincial relations with a special emphasis on Ottawa-Quebec relations, nationalisms as expressed in Canada, francophone-anglophone relations, and the development of Canada's Francophone minority communities

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French


Part-time professor
Faculty of Arts

Contact information:

Home: 613-443-4484

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Home Telephone

Research information:

I study Canadian publishing history, specifically the impact of the sale of the Ryerson Press in 1970 to McGraw-Hill and its impact on cultural policy and the Canadian publishing industry.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French

CHAMBERLIN, Tyler Adam »

Tyler Adam Chamberlin

Assistant professor
Telfer School of Management

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800 (4703)
Cell: 613-863 5251

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Cell Telephone

Research information:


Tyler Chamberlin conducts research into industrial innovation and its impacts on individual firms and the economy. He has investigated sector differences in the methods and impact of innovation in Canada and elsewhere with particular attention to issues of strategy and finance. He teaches courses on international business and multinational business strategy in the Telfer School of Management where he has taught since 2002 and his educational background is in Economics, Management and Public Policies. 

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English only

DENIS, Claude »

Claude Denis

Full professor
Faculty of Social Sciences

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800 ext 3604
Office: 613-562-5800 ext 7144

Preferred method of contact:


Research information:

My research deals primarily with the political sociology of Canada and Mexico. On Canada, I have worked on the country’s competing nationalisms, aboriginal rights and politics, on federal politics, and on francophone rights. On Mexico, I work on the democracy, aboriginal rights and human rights. I have also studied borders, including with regard to Russia’s war on Ukraine. My work often focusses on the relationship between law and politics, and media and politics.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French

FAFARD, Patrick »

Patrick Fafard

Full professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs

Contact information:

Cell: 613-614-1620

Preferred method s of contact:

Cell Telephone, E-mail

Research information:

My research deals mainly with Canadian politics and public policy and builds on a career in government both federally and provincially. I am currently working on a number of projects relating to the politics and governance of public health both in Canada and at the global level. I have also written about the role of science and evidence in public policy. Finally, I have a longstanding interest in Canadian federalism and intergovernmental relations and have published a wide range of research in this area.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French

GORDON, Kelly »

PhD student
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies

Contact information:

Cell: 613-875-4946

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Cell Telephone

Research information:

Kelly Gordon's research focuses on the anti-abortion movements in Canada and the United States, their organizational structure, discourse, strategies of persuasion and activism. Her work also examines the role of gender in Canadian politics more largely, particularly in conservative movements across Canada. As a member of the University of Ottawa's Task Force on Respect and Equality and Action Team, Kelly is also active in the areas of sexual violence policy and prevention.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English only



Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800 (1584)

Preferred method of contact:


Research information:

My expertise is mainly on Canadian public administration, the workings of Canadian political institutions as well as climate and environmental policies. My current research projects focus on the regulation of ethics in the public sector, especially lobbying and conflicts of interest, and the role that auditing plays in the accountability of the public service.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French

JUNEAU, Thomas »

Full professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs

Contact information:

Cell: 819-431-8400

Preferred method of contact:

Cell Telephone

Research information:

My research focuses mainly on the Middle East, especially on Iran, Syria, Yemen, and US foreign policy in the region. I am also interested in Canadian foreign and defence policy and in international relations theory. Before joining the University of Ottawa, I worked from 2003 to 2014 with the Department of National Defence, mostly as a strategic analyst covering the Middle East.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French , arabe, espagnol

KARMIS, Dimitri »

Dimitri Karmis

Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800 (1579)

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Office Telephone

Research information:

1) Citoyenneté, identités et pluralisme culturel et linguistique; 2) exclusion politique et sociale; 3) immigration et multiculturalisme; 4) éthique et politique; 5) fédéralisme, nationalisme et constitution; 6) politique canadienne et québécoise

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French

LEROUX, Darryl »

Visiting professor
Faculty of Social Sciences

Contact information:


Preferred method of contact:


Research information:

Since 2015, Dr. Leroux has been studying the changing dynamics of white, French-descendant identities in the 21st century, particularly as it pertains to increasing claims to "Indigenous" identities among this group. His book, Distorted Descent: White Claims to Indigenous Identity, was selected as one of the ten most influential books published by the University of Manitoba Press in the past decade. His research continues to push the boundaries in the study of white identities, and as such, he is widely sought after as a public speaker on matters related to contemporary forms of settler colonialism.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French

MARTEL, Pierre »

Professor, lecturer
Part-time professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies

Contact information:

Home: 613-837-4254

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Home Telephone

Research information:

35-year career as senior executive in the Government of Canada. Professor at the University of Ottawa since 2008. Teaching in public administration, political science and business management. Expertise in ethics, public affairs, human resource management, government machinery, social context of business, corporate social responsibility, and globalization.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French

MENDES, Errol »


Former Director, Human Rights Research and Education Centre
Full professor
Faculty of Law
Common Law

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5890
Cell: 613-799-0559

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Cell Telephone, Office Telephone

Research information:

Globalization, United Nations, foreign policy, international law and human rights,law and policy on anti-terrorism, Constitutional law, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Private and Public Sector governance, including issues relating to accountability, transparency and integrity.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English only

ORSINI, Michael »

Michael Orsini

Full professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800

Preferred method of contact:

Office Telephone

Research information:

I am a political scientist who is interested in health and disability politics and health policy. I have specific interests in how citizens can affect health policy issues. I am especially interested in condiitions that affect marginalized communities, such as HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C., I am currently completing a SSHRC-funded project on ableism in social movements. My non-health related interests include methods of citizen engagement and citizen participation, the role of the voluntary sector, and the influence of interest groups and social movements.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French

OUELLETTE, Robert Falcon »

Associate professor
Faculty of Education

Contact information:

Cell: 2045100844

Preferred method of contact:

Cell Telephone

Research information:

Indigenous education, military, ethics, warrior culture, anthropology, Indigenous education programs, politics, Parliament, Federal politics, MPs, languages, environment, resource extraction.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French , Mandarin

PICHÉ, Justin »

Justin Piché

Assistant professor
Faculty of Social Sciences

Contact information:


Preferred method of contact:


Research information:

Prison, penal and carceral expansion, alternatives to incarceration, punishment and carceral controls, cultural representations of confinement and punishment, penal geography, prison writing. Additionally in relation to prisons: business, human rights, and national policy.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French

ROUILLARD, Christian »

Full professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800 (2659)
Cell: 819-635-8692

Preferred method of contact:


Research information:

Governance and the renewal of managerial thoughts and practices in the Canadian federal and Quebec public services.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French

STEELE, Jackie F. »

Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies

Contact information:


Preferred method of contact:


Research information:

Political representation (women/minorities), comparative electoral systems, democratic deficit, quota laws, electoral reform, liberal/republican theories of citizenship, democratic institutions, Charter of Rights and Freedoms, family law, same-sex marriage, women's equality concerns in Canada, Québec and Japan. Canadian Politics and Parliamentary Processes (Canada, Japan)

Comparative Electoral Systems Design and Representational Quotas Women, Politics, Public Policies (Canada, Quebec, Japan) Constitutionalism, Federalism, and Multinational Democracy Equality, Diversity and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms Feminist Movement Activism in Canada, Quebec and Japan Feminist Theory, Neo-Republicanism, and Critical Democratic Theories Theory/Practice of Political Liberty in Contemporary Constitutional Democracies 

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French , Japanese/Japonais

STEGER, Debra »

Debra Steger

Hyman Soloway Chair in Business and Trade Law
Full professor
Faculty of Law
Common Law

Contact information:

Office: 613 562 5800, (3323)

Preferred method of contact:


Research information:

My research is in the areas of international trade, international investment agreements, NAFTA, WTO, regional trade agreements, Canadian politics, Canadian constitutional law, international organizations, subsidies, and international development.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English only

TELLIER, Geneviève »

Full professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies

Contact information:

Office: 613 562-5800 (4487)

Preferred method of contact:


Research information:

My main area of expertise is the study of budgetary policies and public finances of federal and provincial governments (with a focus, yet not exclusively, on Ontario, Quebec and British Colombia). I am also interested in the study of democratic institutions (such as Parliament, public consultations mechanisms) and political actors (political parties, independent parliamentary officers) that influence public budgetary choices. My research also leads me to analyse current events occurring on the political scene (especially electoral campaigns and opinion polls)

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French

WALLNER, Jennifer »

Assistant professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800 1720

Preferred method of contact:


Research information:

I work on the politics of education systems in federal countries, with strong expertise on Canadian, Australian, and American schools. I also work on intergovernmental relations and fiscal federalism in Canada.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English only

WERNICK, Michael »

Jarislowsky Chair
Part-time professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs

Contact information:

Office: 6133028098

Preferred method of contact:


Research information:

  • Public sector management
  • Governance and political decision making in Canada
  • Foreign interference and cybersecurity
  • Digital transformation and the development of digital public services
  • Productivity and labour relations in the public sector
  • The Canadian economy, public finance and the federal budget
  • Executive in transition: the end of a mandate and the transition to a new one
  • Deep experience in Indigenous Affairs as Deputy Minister from 2006 to 2014

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French , German (intermediate) / allemand (niveau intermédiaire)


Joel Westheimer

University Research Chair
Full professor
Faculty of Education

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800 (4161)
Cell: Contact Media team

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Cell Telephone

Research information:

Relationship of schooling to society, social norms; education and democracy; teachers' workplace environment; civic education; service learning; politics and education; youth civic engagement and activism; different philosophies of education; testing, standards, and "accountability''.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English only