Search Results

Your search for "Indigenous Responsibilities" returned the following 2 expert(s):


Part-time professor
Faculty of Arts

Contact information:

Cell: 613-762-7822
Home: 613-837-0058

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Home Telephone

Research information:

Indigenous perspectives, indigenous cosmovisions, indigenous epistemologies, development, globalization, sustainable development, indigenous governance

Area(s) of expertise:

(View other experts in this field)

Language preference:

English and French , Spanish

WERNICK, Michael »

Jarislowsky Chair
Part-time professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs

Contact information:

Office: 6133028098

Preferred method of contact:


Research information:

  • Public sector management
  • Governance and political decision making in Canada
  • Foreign interference and cybersecurity
  • Digital transformation and the development of digital public services
  • Productivity and labour relations in the public sector
  • The Canadian economy, public finance and the federal budget
  • Executive in transition: the end of a mandate and the transition to a new one
  • Deep experience in Indigenous Affairs as Deputy Minister from 2006 to 2014

Area(s) of expertise:

(View other experts in this field)

Language preference:

English and French , German (intermediate) / allemand (niveau intermédiaire)