Search Results

Your search for "Globalization" returned the following 5 expert(s):

DAGHER, Ruby »

Part-time professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of International Development and Global Studies

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800, ext: 4049
Cell: 6132635968

Preferred method s of contact:

Cell Telephone, Office Telephone

Research information:

My research mainly focuses on the ability of post-conflict states to earn legitimacy from their citizens and the implications on the democratization of countries that experience conflict. Second, I focus on the manner in which development aid is provided and the manner in which the global governance system impacts the achievement of developmental results. Finally, I also focuses on the various conflicts in the Middle East.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French , Arabic

EL KADRI, Nour »

Part-time professor
Telfer School of Management
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800 ext 2170
Cell: 613-240-3181

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Cell Telephone

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English only, Arabic


Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800 X1716
Cell: 819-431-8740

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Cell Telephone

Research information:

My research focuses on climate change governance and sustainability policy debates. In particular: high-speed rail development in Canada; low-carbon transportation in Canada; global aviation and climate governance (CORSIA); nuclear power and climate change; sustainable livestock; cows or cattle and climate change; methane and climate change; regenerative agriculture and climate change; sustainable protein; plant-based proteins; protein transition; "green growth" and "degrowth" and the environment.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English only


Adjunct Professor
Faculty of Law, Common Law Section

Contact information:


Preferred method of contact:


Research information:

Dr. Jason Nickerson, RRT, PhD is the Humanitarian Representative to Canada for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), based in Ottawa. Jason is appointed as a Clinical Scientist at the Bruyère Research Institute in Ottawa and as an Adjunct Professor of Common Law at the University of Ottawa’s Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics. He leads MSF’s humanitarian diplomacy in Canada and provides advice on humanitarian operations, medical advocacy and policy, and access to medicines to MSF’s operations in more than 70 countries affected by crises. Jason has over 10 years’ clinical experience as a respiratory therapist working in adult critical care and anesthesia and has worked extensively in global public health response in Canada and internationally during armed conflicts, disease epidemics, and sudden onset disasters. Jason is a graduate of Dalhousie University’s Bachelor of Health Sciences in Respiratory Therapy program, specializing in anesthesia. Following this, he completed a master’s degree at the University of British Columbia studying the education of health professionals who provide community-based HIV care, and a PhD in population health at the University of Ottawa where he focused on the methodologies for conducting assessments of severely disrupted health systems during acute and protracted emergencies. His research has been published in high-impact medical journals including The Lancet, the Canadian Medical Association Journal, PLOS Medicine, and Health Policy and Planning, among others. He has appeared as a witness before the Canadian Parliament’s Standing Committees on Health, Finance, and International Trade and published opinion pieces in The Star, iPolitics, and The Conversation, and has been widely quoted in international news outlets on a variety of global health and health policy issues including COVID-19, access to pain medicines for safe anesthesia and palliative care, access to affordable medicines, science policy, and humanitarian assistance in natural disasters, armed conflicts, refugee crises, and disease epidemics such as Ebola.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English only

VERONIS, Luisa »

Full professor
Faculty of Arts

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800 (1046)

Preferred method of contact:


Research information:

My research examines issues of transnationalism, migration, identity, and citizenship in Canadian cities with a focus on immigrant settlement, community organizing, migrant and minority groups, and questions of belonging in and through space. My recent projects investigate the everyday experiences of minority groups in the transborder city of Ottawa-Gatineau, the production and consumption of multicultural media, and the role of environmental factors in international migration to Canada.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French , Spanish