uOttawa News
uOttawa Experts
Search Results
Your search for "Economics" returned the following 43 expert(s):
AFSHAR, Kaveh »
Adjunct Professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
Contact information:
E-mail: kafsharz@uottawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English and French
ANGUS, Douglas E. »

Emeritus professor
Telfer School of Management
Contact information:
Home: 613-737-1947
E-mail: angus@telfer.uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Home Telephone
Research information:
Economic and policy analysis in the health care field. Management issues and evaluation of programs in health care.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Economic policies
- Health administration
- Health care
- Health economics
- Health policy
- Health-service providers
- Not-for-profit organizations
- Population health
- Public administration
Language preference:
English and French
ATALLAH, Gamal »

Assistant professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (1695)
E-mail: gatallah@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Office Telephone
Research information:
Industrial organization and the study of the firm. How innovation and technology affect firms' behavior.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English only
AUBRY, Tim Daniel »

Senior Researcher / Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services
Full professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Psychology
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (4815)
E-mail: taubry@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Office Telephone
Research information:
My main areas of research are housing, homelessness, and community mental health.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Evaluation
- Health policy
- Health research
- Mental health
- Population health
- Poverty
- Social policy
- Social services
Language preference:
English and French

Senior fellow
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of International Development and Global Studies
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (4531)
Cell: 613-697-9814
Home: 613-842-9814
E-mail: nipa.banerjee@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Home Telephone, Cell Telephone
Research information:
Foreign Aid; Aid Effectiveness; Development Issues-South and South East Asia; Development Issues in Post Conflict Countries and Peace Building Measures; Fragile & Conflict States; Development and Reconstruction in Afghanistan. More than 40 years of experience with CIDA, IDRC and NGOs. Lived and worked several years as a professional in several South and South East Asian Countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar). Travelled widely and continues to make quarterly visits (especially Afghanistan, Bangladesh and India) and other developing countries for research purposes.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Afghanistan
- Asian history
- Democracy and democratization
- Development
- Economic development
- Food security
- Foreign aid
- Foreign aid
- Globalization
- India
- International development
- International development and globalization
- International political economy
- International political economy
- International projects
- International relations
- Operations/project management
- Performance measurement
- Performance measures
- Political economy
- Project management
- Rural development
- Social change
- Social policy
- Southeast Asia
- Sustainable development
- Women and development
Language preference:
English only, Bengali; Hindi; Urdu
Part-time professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies
Contact information:
E-mail: serge.banyongen@uottawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Africa
- Democracy
- Environmental Communication
- Geopolitics
- Globalization
- Globalization
- Intercultural communication
- International communications
- International relations
- Journalism
- Media
- Organizational communications
- Political communications
- Political economy
- Social politics
- Terrorism
Language preference:
English and French
Part-time professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies
Contact information:
Office: 613-858-2314
E-mail: dbeaureg@uottawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Office Telephone
Research information:
My research program focuses on cultural and creative industries policies. In particular, I am interested in digital culture and the role of the cultural industries in creating and promoting a sense of identity and place.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Canadian politics
- Cultural identity
- Culture
- Nationalism
- Nationalism
- Ontario politics
- Policy
- Policy
- Political theory
- Political theory
- Project management
- Public administration
- Quebec politics
- Social policy
Language preference:
English and French
BERNARD, Jean-Thomas »

Visiting professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (1374)
Home: 613-680-7765
E-mail: jbernar3@uottawa.ca
Research information:
- Economic aspects of energy use: price, costs and governmental policies.
- Analysis of energy markets by price and cost: electricity, oil, natural gas.
- Government policies relating to energy: taxation, programs and regulations.
- Economic considerations of greenhouse gas emissions.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English and French
BEST, Jacqueline »
Full professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (1719)
E-mail: jbest@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Office Telephone
Research information:
My research is in international relations and international political economy. I study international finance with a particular interest in economic crises, the politics of inflation and central banking, and the power of economic ideas. I often try to understand present debates and issues through historical analysis—and am currently studying the early days of neoliberalism in the Reagan and Thatcher governments, which in many ways is the crucible for the present moment.
I am also drawn to trying to make sense of things that are not quite what they seem in politics today—for example looking at the central role of ignorance and failure in policymaking today.
My current research is motivated by a desire to understand the difficulties of our present moment by tracing the links between democracy, politics and the economy.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Ethics in international affairs
- Globalization
- International development
- International development and globalization
- International financial institutions
- International organizations
- International political economy
- International relations
- Political economy
Language preference:
English and French

Full professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of International Development and Global Studies
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (2568)
E-mail: gordon.betcherman@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
Labour market developments, including jobs and unemployment in Canada and internationally. Trends in globalization including developments in emerging economies such as China, Russia, and Eastern Europe. Social policy including employment insurance and training.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Adult education
- Economics
- Foreign aid
- Globalization
- Human-resource management
- International development
- International development and globalization
- International financial institutions
- International political economy
- International relations
- Labor economics
- Older workers
- Political economy
- Trade/free trade
- Unemployment
Language preference:
English only
BRAND, Kevin »

Assistant professor
Institute of Population Health
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (1852)
E-mail: kbrand@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
I specialize in methods for risk assessment and risk management, with a particular focus upon human health risks. I am particularly interested in the science policy interface that mediates between the synthesis of facts and the formulation of policy defining conclusions. Methods of particular interest include uncertainty analysis, applied decision analysis, demography, and health economics. I have applied these types of tools in the context of interpreting animal bioassay evidence in the support of regulatory determinations of chemical safety, and am currently applying demography approaches to the study of summary measures of population health (such as DALYs, QALYs, PEYLLs and alike).
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Applied statistics
- Decision analysis
- Epidemiology
- Health economics
- Health research
- Operations research
- Population health
- Toxicology
Language preference:
English only
Assistant professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
E-mail: abrodeur@uottawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
Brodeur's current research interests center around health, development and labor economics. Current projects include the evaluation of the health and economic consequences of prostitution in Southeast Asia and the examination of the effects of terrorism.Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Economic development
- Health economics
- International development
- International terrorism
- Prostitution, sexual exploitation
- Terrorism
Language preference:
English and French
Adjunct Professor
Faculty of Medicine
Epidemiology and Community Medicine
Contact information:
Office: 613-226-2553
E-mail: tammyc@cadth.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
health technology assessment (HTA); systematic review, meta-analysis, evidence-informed decision making, reimbursement/listing of pharmaceuticals and medical technologies;Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English only
CORAK, Miles »
Professor of Public and International Affairs
Full professor
Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
Contact information:
E-mail: mcorak@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
My current research focuses on issues associated with poverty, child poverty, immigration, and the well-being of children and their capacity to become successful adults. These issues touch upon most aspects of social policy, labour markets, and family policy in Canada and other OECD countries.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English only

Full professor (retired)
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Cell: 819-743-3587
E-mail: scoulomb@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Cell Telephone
Research information:
Serge Coulombe is Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa, his base since 1982. He is well-known, in Canada, and internationally, for his research on regional disparity, human capital, and the Dutch Disease. His research on human capital has been reviewed by the British review The Economist. In 2009, he won the University of Ottawa President’s Award for Media Relations. He authored the article on the Canadian Economy for Encyclopædia Universalis in 2020.
His areas of expertise include:
- Fiscal and Monetary Policy
- Inflation
- Human Capital
- Regional Development
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English and French
COYLE, Doug »
Full professor
Faculty of Medicine
Epidemiology and Community Medicine
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (8690)
E-mail: dcoyle@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Office Telephone
Research information:
My main area of expertise lies in assessing the value for money from new health care interventions. Particular focus has been on pharmaceuticals and treatments for rare diseases.Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English only
CRÉCHET, Jonathan »
Assistant professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 ext 1689
E-mail: jcrechet@uottawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English and French
DE GAGNÉ, Pierre »
Physical Resources Services
Contact information:
Office: 6135625800 x 6619
Cell: 6138676619
Home: 6137373178
E-mail: pdegagne@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Office Telephone
Research information:
Comfort process optimization heat recovery energy efficiency water efficiencyArea(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English and French
DORAN, Marie-Christine »

Assistant professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies
Contact information:
E-mail: mcdoran@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
I work on the evolution of democracy and governance in Latin America. Themes such as : political changes (turn to the left), violence, justice and human rights, poverty, socio-political and religious movements, political legitimacy, as well as Latin America's relation with other parts of the world are my main areas.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Constitution
- Courts
- Democracy and democratization
- Geopolitics
- Globalization
- Human rights
- Human rights
- International criminal court
- International development
- International law
- International law
- International political economy
- Justice
- Political ideology
- Political ideology
- Political theory
- Political violence
- Poverty
- Social change
- Social politics
- Social trends
- Terrorism
- Torture
- Trade/free trade
- Violence
Language preference:
English and French , Espagnol
ELGIE, Stewart »

Associate professor
Faculty of Law
Common Law
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (2525)
E-mail: selgie@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Office Telephone
Research information:
Environmental / natural resources law and policy, including forests, wildlife (species), parks, pollution, and climate change / global warming (Kyoto). Environmental economics, and economic approaches to environmental protection (especially for climate change). The Constitution and the environment. Aboriginal rights and the environment. International trade and the environment (NAFTA).
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Aboriginal legal issues
- Administrative law
- Constitutional law
- Environmental economics
- Environmental law
- Global warming
- International environmental law
Language preference:
English only
FINNIE, Ross »
Full professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 ext 4552
Cell: 613-295-5798
E-mail: rfinnie@uottawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone, Office Telephone
Research information:
I have many interests in the area of education policy research, including access and barriers to post-secondary education (PSE); student retention, student pathways, and student success while in PSE; skills, skills shortages, and the “new skills agenda” which includes “non-cognitive” or transferable skills; and the measurement of quality and accountability mechanisms. I also work on incomes, income support programs, and related topics in labour and public economics.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Economics of education
- Education
- Evaluation
- Income
- Labor economics
- Program Evaluation
- Quality Assurance
- Social policy
- Support programs
- University Teaching
Language preference:
English and French
GRAY, David M. »

Full professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (1431)
Home: 613-237-1348
E-mail: dmgray@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Office Telephone
Research information:
Labour market policies, especially those relating to unemployment. Outcomes for displaced workers; programs designed to either assist displaced workers or prevent layoffs. Unemployment insurance, earnings mobility. economics of health care.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English and French
GRENIER, Gilles »

Full professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (1423)
Home: 819-684-0022
E-mail: gilles.grenier@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Office Telephone
Research information:
Labour market in Canada. Wages and incomes. Labour market of immigrants. Labour market according to language characteristics, age groups, education.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Bilingualism
- Diasporas and Remittances
- Health economics
- Immigration
- Labor economics
- Minority languages
- Older workers
- Unemployment
Language preference:
English and French
Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 X1716
Cell: 819-431-8740
E-mail: rkatzros@uottawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone
Research information:
My research focuses on climate change governance and sustainability policy debates. In particular: high-speed rail development in Canada; low-carbon transportation in Canada; global aviation and climate governance (CORSIA); nuclear power and climate change; sustainable livestock; cows or cattle and climate change; methane and climate change; regenerative agriculture and climate change; sustainable protein; plant-based proteins; protein transition; "green growth" and "degrowth" and the environment.Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Alternatives
- Climate change
- Decision-making at the interface of science and policy
- Energy (electricity, oil, natural gas)
- Environmental Communication
- Environmental policy
- Food security
- Food sustainability
- Global warming
- Globalization
- International political economy
- International trade and environment
- Sustainable development
Language preference:
English only
KULIK, Rafal »
Associate professor
Faculty of Science
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (3526)
Cell: 613-404-7596
E-mail: rkulik@uottawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone, Office Telephone
Research information:
I have an extensive experience in applying statistical methods in various fields, especially in finance-related areas including time series analysis, trend modelling, prediction and forecasting, risk management, portfolio optimization, and extreme values analysis.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English and French , Polish; German; Russian
LAUER, Dean William »
Part-time professor
Faculty of Arts
Contact information:
Home: 613.789-5227
E-mail: dlauer@uottawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Home Telephone
Research information:
I teach business ethics and specialize in the philosophy of Heidegger, Scandinavian studies as well as environmental issues related to business, science, and ethics.Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English only, Norwegian
LEBLOND, Patrick »

Associate Professor
Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (2953)
Cell: 613-263-9824
E-mail: pleblond@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone, Office Telephone
Research information:
Owing to my training and experience in business, economics and international relations, my expertise concerns questions relating to global economic governance, more specifically those that deal with international money and finance, international economic integration as well as business-government relations. My regional expertise focuses on Europe and North America, though I am also interested in China's impact on the world economy.Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Currency exchange
- Economic development
- European politics
- Finance
- International business
- International business management
- International financial institutions
- International political economy
- Macroeconomics
- Political economy
- Trade/free trade
Language preference:
English and French
MENDES, Errol »

Former Director, Human Rights Research and Education Centre
Full professor
Faculty of Law
Common Law
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5890
Cell: 613-799-0559
E-mail: emendes@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone, Office Telephone
Research information:
Globalization, United Nations, foreign policy, international law and human rights,law and policy on anti-terrorism, Constitutional law, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Private and Public Sector governance, including issues relating to accountability, transparency and integrity.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Canadian politics
- Constitution
- Constitutional law
- Corporate governance
- Corporate law
- Democracy and democratization
- Ethics
- Federalism
- Foreign aid
- Hate crimes
- Human rights
- Human rights
- International business management
- International commerce
- International criminal court
- International development
- International development and globalization
- International financial institutions
- International law
- International law
- International organizations
- International political economy
- International terrorism
- International trade and environment
- International trade law
- Justice
- Political economy
- Torture
- Trade/free trade
- War crimes
Language preference:
English only
MUNRO, Lauchlan »

Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of International Development and Global Studies
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (4534)
Cell: 613-878-5001
E-mail: lmunro@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone
Research information:
1) Does aid to developing countries work? Why or why not? 2) How can governments in poor countries provide adequate health care and education to all their citizens, including the poorest and most vulnerable? 3) How should governments around the world cope with economic risk and uncertainty? 4) How can governments in poor countries provide social protection (health insurance, old-age pensions, unemployment insurance, drought relief)? 5) What role does science and technology play in development? What do appropriate science-for-development policies look like? 6) What does the future hold for Zimbabwe?
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Africa
- Economic development
- Economic policies
- Food security
- Foreign aid
- International development and globalization
- International health
- International organizations
- Performance measurement
- Public administration
- Social policy
Language preference:
English and French
NGUYEN, Bao Anh »
Part-time professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Office: +1 613 979 6264
E-mail: bnguy095@uottawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
Dr. Nguyen is working on the theoretical and empirical aspects of the fields: Economic Development, International Economics, Monetary Economics. His publications and studies are about the commodity and stock prices, economic policy implications and dynamics of levy collection. His latest publications are the application of Markov regime-switching in forecasting time series. He has extensive experience working in industrial sectors and governmental think-tank in tax compliance management, tax policies, and revenue forecasting, .Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Economic models
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental economics
- Industrial organization
- Inflation
- International trade
- Statistics
Language preference:
English and French
NOTTEN, Geranda »

Comparative public policy
Full professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (4794)
E-mail: gnotten@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Office Telephone
Research information:
Geranda Notten studies poverty, inequality and social policy in Ontario, Canada and the European Union.Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English and French , Dutch
OUELLETTE, Robert Falcon »
Associate professor
Faculty of Education
Contact information:
Cell: 2045100844
E-mail: rouelle2@uottawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Cell Telephone
Research information:
Indigenous education, military, ethics, warrior culture, anthropology, Indigenous education programs, politics, Parliament, Federal politics, MPs, languages, environment, resource extraction.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Aboriginal history
- Aboriginal Studies
- Anthropology
- Canadian history
- Canadian politics
- Constitution
- Constitutional law
- Education
- French-Canadian culture
- Gangs
- Human rights
- Indigenous Prophecies
- Indigenous Rights
- Justice
- Native teacher education
- North America
- Policy
- Political economy
- Poverty
- Southeast Asia
- War crimes
Language preference:
English and French , Mandarin
PARÉ, Daniel »
Associate professor
Faculty of Arts
Contact information:
Office: 613 562 5800 x2052
E-mail: dpar2@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Office Telephone
Research information:
Paré's research focuses on the the social, economic, and technical issues arising from innovations in information and communication technologies (ICTs). His areas of research and policy-related work include ICTs and international development (ICT4D), e-commerce, Internet governance, information and communication policy, e-government, and knowledge networks.Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Canadian broadcasting and telecommunications policies
- Communications and technology
- Governance
- International development and globalization
- Political communications
- Political economy
- Science and Society
- Wireless communications
Language preference:
English only
PONGOU, Roland »
Assistant professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (7067)
Cell: 613-805-6019
Home: 613-424-6019
E-mail: rpongou@uottawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
Social networks, spread of HIV/AIDS, gender gap in HIV/AIDS prevalence, sex and gender gap in infant mortality, gender gap in schooling
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Applied mathematics
- Diasporas and Remittances
- Economics
- Education
- Epidemiology and community medicine
- Family and health
- Foreign aid
- Gender discrimination
- Health economics
- International health
- Microeconomics
- Political economy
- Population health
- Sustainable development
- Women and development
- Women’s health
Language preference:
English and French
RIVERS, Nicholas »
Canada Research Chair in Climate and Energy Policy
Assistant professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (4676)
E-mail: nrivers@uOttawa.ca
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English and French
Part-time professor
Faculty of Arts
Contact information:
Cell: 613-762-7822
Home: 613-837-0058
E-mail: msaavedr@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Home Telephone
Research information:
Indigenous perspectives, indigenous cosmovisions, indigenous epistemologies, development, globalization, sustainable development, indigenous governance
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Aboriginal history
- Aboriginal Studies
- American history
- Climate change
- Colonization
- Communications and technology
- Environmental economics
- Food security
- Foreign aid
- Global warming
- Globalization
- Globalization
- Indigenous Conceptions
- Indigenous Prophecies
- Indigenous Responsibilities
- Indigenous Rights
- International development
- Latin America
- Moral philosophy
- Native teacher education
- Other
- Sustainable development
Language preference:
English and French , Spanish
SCHORR, Victoria »
Program Manager
Support staff member
Faculty of Law, Common Law Section
Contact information:
Office: ext 3097
E-mail: victoria.schorr@uottawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
Victoria Schorr is a sub-Saharan Africa specialist with more than 10 years of experience analysing African politics, economics, and business. She holds an MSc in African Politics from the School of Oriental and African Studies, and a BA in African Studies from McGill University. Her areas of specialisation include African political economy, the African private sector, international business and investment, international relations, behavioural economics, and development. She has written and published a variety of articles, both academic and non-academic, and has an active blog. Prior to joining uOttawa's Open African Innovation Research network (Open AIR) in July 2015, Schorr worked as a consultant with organisations ranging from grassroots NGOs to the UN, as well as several Canadian government departments including the Department of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Development. She is a Board Member of the Canadian International Council’s Africa Study Group and is a special advisor to Edu-Vision 2020’s Africa programming.Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Corporate Social Responsibly
- Intellectual property
- International development
- International political economy
- International relations
- Political economy
Language preference:
English and French

Associate professor
Faculty of Medicine
Institute of Population Health
Contact information:
Office: 613-562 5800 (2289)
Cell: 613-612-8485
Home: 613-233-6541
E-mail: tschrecker@sympatico.ca or tschrecker@gmail.com
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone, Office Telephone
Research information:
My current research focuses on the relations between transnational economic integration ("globalization") and social determinants of health: the conditions under which people live and work. How is the emergence of a global marketplace affecting opportunities to lead a healthy life? Who wins, and who loses? How will the worldwide financial crisis we are now experiencing affect health disparities between rich and poor?
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Environmental law
- Ethics
- Ethics in international affairs
- Foreign aid
- Globalization
- Health economics
- Health policy
- Human rights
- International development and globalization
- International health
- International political economy
- Liberalism
- Political economy
- Poverty
Language preference:
English only
Full professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (1691)
Home: 613-225-4901
E-mail: mseccare@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
Home Telephone, Office Telephone
Research information:
My main fields of research interest are in the areas of economic policy. These include central bank policy, fiscal policy, and related macroeconomic policies that impact on the Canadian labour market.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Canadian studies
- Currency exchange
- Economics
- Industrialization
- Inflation
- International development and globalization
- Labor economics
- Macroeconomics
- Political economy
- Trade/free trade
- Unemployment
Language preference:
English and French , italien/Italian
SHIELL, Leslie »

Assistant professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (1693)
E-mail: lshiell@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Office Telephone
Research information:
environmental economics pollution policy climate change policy Ontario electricity policy
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English only
SIMARD, Louis »

Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (1958)
E-mail: lsimard@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
Public policies, environment, energy, public participation, instruction of public action
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Corporate social responsibility
- Decision analysis
- Democracy and democratization
- Energy (electricity, oil, natural gas)
- Organizational behaviour
- Public administration
- Quebec politics
- Renewable energy
- Sustainable development
Language preference:
Français seulement
STEGER, Debra »

Hyman Soloway Chair in Business and Trade Law
Full professor
Faculty of Law
Common Law
Contact information:
Office: 613 562 5800, (3323)
E-mail: dsteger@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
My research is in the areas of international trade, international investment agreements, NAFTA, WTO, regional trade agreements, Canadian politics, Canadian constitutional law, international organizations, subsidies, and international development.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Canadian politics
- Geopolitics
- Globalization
- International arbitration
- International commerce
- International development and globalization
- International Investment Law
- International law
- International organizations
- International political economy
- International relations
- International trade and environment
- International trade law
- Political economy
- Trade/free trade
Language preference:
English only
ZHANG, Yongjing »

Associate Professor
Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (4860)
E-mail: yongjing.zhang@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Office Telephone
Research information:
- China's economy and governance
- Public finance, especially fiscal federalism
- Social dilemma
- Political economy of economic growth and institutional change
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- China
- Development
- Economic development
- Economic models
- Economic policies
- Economics of sports
- Political economy
- Social norms
Language preference:
English only, Mandarin
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Sub-categories for "Economics"
- Currency exchange
- Economic models
- Economics of education
- Energy (electricity, oil, natural gas)
- Energy costs
- Energy costs
- Energy efficiency
- Environmental economics
- Health economics
- Income
- Industrial organization
- Inflation
- Labor economics
- Macroeconomics
- Microeconomics
- Older workers
- Political economy
- Renewable energies
- Social policy
- Support programs
- Trade/free trade
- Unemployment
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