Partenaires communautaires
Voici une liste des partenaires communautaires du SAE. Veuillez cliquer sur le nom du partenaire communautaire pour en apprendre davantage.
- Roger's House
- Ville d'Ottawa - Archives / City of Ottawa - Archives
- 100% Actifs Activités Parascolaires
- 211 Ottawa Kiwanis Air Cadets Squadron
- A voix égales Expériences / Equal Voice Experiences
- École élémentaire catholique Laurier-Carrière
- École de l'envolée
- École de langues de l’Estrie (ELE)
- École de Langues Nouvel Espoir Language School
- École des sciences de l'activité physique, Université d'Ottawa / School of Human Kinetics, University of Ottawa
- École Sainte-Marguerite-Bougeoys
- Équipe de promotion de la FÉUO / Promotion Team of the SFUO
- Équipe de santé familiale communautaire de l'Est d'Ottawa
- Équiterre
- Abhilasha Project
- Abraar School
- ACCESO International
- Accueil-parrainage Outaouais
- ACEworks Support Network
- ACORN Canada, Ottawa ACORN
- Action Chelsea for the Respect of the Environment
- Action Global Health Network
- Action Sandy Hill
- Action Strategies
- Actua
- Adojeune Inc.
- African Canadian Continuing Education Society
- African Education Resource Centre (AERC)
- Aga Khan Education Board for Ottawa
- Aga Khan Foundation of Canada
- Agence de règlementation de la lutte antiparasitaire / Pest Management Regulatory Agency
- Agincourt Road Public School
- Agitate!Ottawa
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Integrated Natural Resources Division
- AIDS Committee of Ottawa
- Aiguillage (L')
- AJOA-WAYA Association des Jeunes Ouest Africains à l'Université d'Ottawa | West African Youth Association at The University of Ottawa
- Al-Sham Arabic School
- Algonquins of Pikwakanagan Health Clinic
- Alliance canadienne pour l'apprentissage par le service communautaire / Canadian Alliance for Community Service-Learning
- Allied Physiotherapy Clinic
- Almonte General Hospital/Fairview Manor
- Alternative Learning Styles and Outlooks (ALSO)
- Alzheimer Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County
- Ambassade du Maroc / Embassy of Morocco
- Ambulance St.Jean Canada | St.John's Ambulance Canada
- Amethyst Women's Addiction Centre
- Amicale des anciens et anciennes du Collège St-Alexandre
- Amicale des handicapés physiques de l'Outaouais (AHPO)
- Amis de l'hôpital : Fondation de l'Hôpital Général de Hawkesbury
- Amnesty International Canada
- Amnistie Internationale uOttawa
- Anglican Social Services - Centre 454
- Ansar Al-Zahra Girls Youth Club
- Antonine Sisters (Arabic school)
- Anxiety Disorders Organization of Ontario
- Aphasia Centre of Ottawa
- APPLE (A Post Psychiatric Leisure Experience)
- Arabic International Languages Programs (ILP)
- Arche Agapè (L')
- Arche Ottawa (L')
- Archives de l'Université d'Ottawa / Archives of the University of Ottawa
- Archives Pierre Savard
- Art Space Learning (PED 3101)
- ARUO - RAUO (Association des résidents - Resident's Association)
- Assocation des étudiants en Activité physique | Human Kinetics Students' Association
- Assocation québécoise des troubles d'apprentissage, Outaouais
- Association éducative CREATIVANÒNIM Educational Association
- Association étudiante des études politiques internationales et en développement (AÉÉPID) | Political, International, and Development Studies Student Association (PIDSSA)
- Association algérienne de l'Université d'Ottawa | Algerian Student Association of the University of Ottawa
- Association Canadienne des Jeux du Commonwealth / Commonwealth Games Association of Canada
- Association Canadienne française de l'Ontario (ACFO)
- Association canadienne pour la liberté de choix / Canadians for Choice
- Association canadienne pour la santé mentale - bureau national | Canadian Mental Health Association - National Office
- Association canadienne pour les Nations Unies / United Nations Association in Canada
- Association canadienne-française de l'Ontario
- Association comunautaire de Sarsfield
- Association d'étudiant en sciences réligieuses / Student Association of Religious Studies
- Association d'Ottawa-Carleton pour personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle / Ottawa-Carleton Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (OCAPDD)
- Association des étudiant.e.s diplômé.e.s de l'Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa Graduate Students Association
- Association des étudiant(e)s pré-diplômés en sciences infirmières / Undergraduate Nursing Students' Association - Université d'Ottawa / Univeristy of Ottawa
- Association des étudiants de droit autochtones / Aboriginal Law Students Association
- Association des étudiants du Cameroun
- Association des étudiants en science économique
- Association des étudiants en service social (ADESS)
- Association des étudiants en traduction | Translation Students' Association (AÉTTSA)
- Association des étudiants et étudiantes en Communication Student Association
- Association des affaires internationales à l'Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa and the International Affairs Association
- Association des bénévoles du CHSLD (Centre d'hébergement de soins de longue durée) de Hull
- Association des étudiant(e)s de nutrition (ADENUT)
- Association des Étudiants en Genie, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa Engineering Students' Society
- Association des familles monoparentales et recomposées de l'Outaouais
- Association des infirmières et infirmiers du Canada / Canadian Nurses Association
- Association des neurotraumatisés de l'Outaouais
- Association du syndrome de Down de la région de la Capitale nationale / Down Syndrome Association National Capital Region
- Association francophone à l'éducation des services à l'enfance de l'Ontario (AFÉSEO)
- Association Internationale des Étudiants en Sciences Économiques et Commerciales - AIESEC
- Association Palestinienne de l'Université d'Ottawa | Palestinian Association of the University of Ottawa
- Association pour l'intégration sociale d'Ottawa
- Ateliers de l'élan (Les)
- Auberge Plein Soleil
- Aventures en génie et en sciences / Adventures in Engineering and Science
- Avenue des jeunes / Les clubs de devoirs
- Bacc. Health Sciences Student Association
- Back of the Moon
- Bairn Croft Residential Services
- Banque alimentaire de la FÉUO / SFUO Food Bank
- Baobab Tree Drum Dance Community
- Basecamp International
- Be AIDS aware!
- Bear Hug II
- Begin 2 Believe Association
- Bereaved Families of Ontario - Ottawa Region
- Bess and Moe Greenberg Family - Hillel Lodge (The)
- Bhawani Anantaraman Memorial Foundation
- Bibliothèque Anne-Marie-D'Amours, Trois Pistles, Québec
- Bibliothèque publique du canton de Russell / Township of Russell Public Library
- Bicycles for Humanity
- Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Cornwall
- Big Brothers Big Sisters Ottawa
- Billings Estate National Historic Site
- Billings Lodge Retirement Community
- Billingswood Manor
- Bistr-Ados Maison des jeunes
- Blackburn Lodge Seniors Residence
- Blackburn Taekwon-Do School
- Blair Court Community House
- BloomVillage
- Blossom Park Public School
- Blue Poodle Books
- BottleWorks (Operation Come Home)
- Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa
- Breast Cancer Action
- Bridlewood Retirement Residence
- Britannia Woods Community House
- Bromley Road Baptist Church
- Bruce House
- Bureau de santé de l'est de l'Ontario / Eastern Ontario Health Unit
- Bureau des services à la jeunesse / Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa
- Bureau du premier cycle, Faculté de génie, Université d'Ottawa | Undergraduate Office, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ottawa
- Bureau parlementaire - Élaine Michaud, Députée (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Alexandre Boulerice, Député (NPD)
- Bureau Parlementaire - Anne Minh-Thu Quach, Deputée (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Anne-Marie Day, Députée (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Charmaine Borg, Députée (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Christine Moore, Députée (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Denis Blanchette, Député (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Djaouida Sellah, Députée (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - François Choquette, Député (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Guy Caron, Député (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Hélène Laverdière, Députée (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Hoang Mai, député (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Jamie Nicholls, Député (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Johanne Deschamps, Députée (BQ)
- Bureau parlementaire - Jonathan Genest-Jourdain, Député (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Jonathan Tremblay, D�put� (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Lysane Blanchette-Lamothe, Députée (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Manon Perreault, Députée (NPD)
- Bureau Parlementaire - Marjolaine Boutin-Sweet, Députée (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Mylène Freeman, Députée (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Philip Toone, Député (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Raymond Côté, Député (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Sylvain Chicoine, Député (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Tarik Brahmi, Député (NPD)
- Bureau parlementaire - Tyrone Benskin, Député (NPD)
- Bureau régional d'action sida (BRAS)
- Bytown Museum
- ByWard Market BIA (Business Improvement Area)
- Côte Saint-Luc Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
- Cégep de l'Outaouais
- Cadets de l'Air-Escadron 500 Outaouais
- CALACS francophone d'Ottawa (Centre d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel )
- Calvary Bible Church
- Camp d'Équitation l'Espoir
- Camp Smitty
- Campagne électorale 2010
- Canada Eh!
- Canada Green Building Council - Ottawa Chapter (ORC)
- Canada Mathare Education Trust (CME Trust)
- Canada Revenue Agency - Outreach
- Canada Sans Pauvreté/ Canada Without Poverty
- Canada Tibet Committee
- Canada-Afghanistan Business Council (CABC)
- Canada-Africa Community Health Alliance / Alliance de sante communautaire Canada-Afrique
- Canadian Arts Presenting Association/Association canadienne des organimses artistiques (CAPACOA)
- Canadian Association of Research Libraries
- Canadian Association of Science Centres / Association canadienne des centres de sciences
- Canadian Biotechnology Action Network
- Canadian Blood Services - Eastern Ontario
- Canadian Cancer Society
- Canadian Cancer Society
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children (CCRC)
- Canadian Diabetes Association
- Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC)
- Canadian Federation for Sexual Health
- Canadian Federation of University Women
- Canadian Friends of Burma / Les amis canadiens de la birmanie
- Canadian Friends of Pearl Children
- Canadian Friends of Pearl Children
- Canadian Friends of Sudan - uOttawa Chapter
- Canadian Friends Services Committee (CFSC)
- Canadian Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce
- Canadian Housing and Renewal Association
- Canadian Mothercraft of Ottawa Carleton Birth and Parent Companion Program
- Canadian Museum of Nature
- Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Environmental Risk Assessment Division
- Canadian Office of Human Rights
- Canadian Organic Growers - National Office
- Canadian Organic Growers-Ottawa Chapter (The)
- Canadian Organization for Recreation and Education (C.O.R.E.)
- Canadian Palestinian Educational Exchange
- Canadian Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA)
- Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS)
- Canadian Peacebuilding Coordinating Committee
- Canadian Red Cross Society
- Canadian Ski Marathon
- Canadian Ski Marathon Inc.
- Canadian Soccer Association
- Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH)
- Canadian Society for Life Science Research - University of Ottawa Chapter
- Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy
- Canadian Tulip Festival
- Canadian Undergraduate Conference on Healthcare uOttawa chapter
- Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference
- Canadian War Museum
- Canadian Wind Energy Association
- Canadian Women Leaders in Science and Engineering (CWLSE)
- Canadian Youth Assembly
- CANMET Energy Technology Centre
- Canoe Kayak Canada
- Capital City Mission
- CARE Canada
- Carefor Health and Community Service
- Carelton University Library
- Caressant Care Bourget Nursing Home
- Carlington Community Health Centre
- Carlingview Manor
- Carpentor Co-op Home Work Club
- Carrefour international de la Presse universitaire francophone
- Carrefour Tiers-Monde
- Carty House
- Causeway Work Centre
- CDCI Research
- Celebration! church
- Celina Jeffery / Post Secular
- Centre C.A.R.M.E.N.
- Centre canadien pour la justice internationale / Canadian Centre for International Justice
- Centre catholique pour immigrants / Catholic Immigration Centre
- Centre communautaire Côte-de-Sable / Sandy Hill Community Centre
- Centre communautaire du sud-est d'Ottawa pour une communauté en santé / South-East Ottawa Centre for a Healthy Community
- Centre communautaire Jack-Purcell Community Centre
- Centre culturel La Ste-Famille de Clarence-Rockland
- Centre d'éducation et de formation de l' Est ontarien (CEFEO)
- Centre d'Écoute et d'Encadrement pour le Développement Durable
- Centre d'accueil Roger-Séguin
- Centre d'action bénévole de Gatineau
- centre d'activites prescolaire et familiales
- Centre d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions sexuelles
- Centre d'animation familiale de Gatineau
- Centre d'apprentissage et de développement organisationel, Université d'Ottawa / Centre for Organizational Development and Learning, University of Ottawa
- Centre d'engagement mondial et communautaire / Centre for Global and Community Engagement
- Centre d'entraide aux aînés
- Centre d'entraide de la FÉUO / Peer Help Centre of the SFUO
- Centre d'hébergement Renaissance
- Centre d'Intervention et de prévention en toxicomanie de l'Outaouais (CIPTO) - Le LAB
- Centre d’équité en matière des droits de la personne - Centre for Equity and Human Rights
- Centre de bilinguisme de la FÉUO / Bilingualism Centre of the SFUO
- Centre de développement durable de la FÉUO / Sustainable development Centre of the SFUO
- Centre de formation continue - Université d'Ottawa
- Centre de l'amour
- Centre de l'enfance coopérative brin d'herbe
- Centre de la Fierté de la FÉUO / SFUO Pride Centre
- Centre de la petite enfance du Parc Industriel Centre
- Centre de la petite enfance Ottawa sud / Ontario Early Years Ottawa South
- Centre de mentorat de la Faculté des sciences sociales - Université d'Ottawa | Faculty of Social Sciences Mentoring Centre - University of Ottawa
- Centre de pédiatrie sociale de Gatineau
- Centre de placement spécialisé du Portage
- Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française (CRCCF)
- Centre de ressourcement pour la famille de l'Outaouais
- Centre de ressources communautaire d'Ottawa ouest / Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre
- Centre de ressources communautaires de la Basse-ville (CRCBV) / Lowertown Community Resource Centre (LTCRC)
- Centre de ressources communautaires Orléans-Cumberland / Orleans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre
- Centre de ressources communautaires Overbrook- Forbes
- Centre de ressources des femmes / Women's Resource Centre
- Centre de ressources pour les familles des militaires/ Military Family Resource Centre
- Centre de santé communautaire du Centre-ville / Centretown Community Health Centre
- Centre de santé communautaire Pinecrest Queensway / Pinecrest Queensway Community Health Centre
- Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Gatineau
- Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Gatineau - Hôpital de Gatineau
- Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Papineau
- Centre de santé et services sociaux de Pontiac
- Centre de services Guigues
- Centre de soins de longue durée Montfort
- Centre de traitement pour enfants d'Ottawa / Ottawa Children's Treatment Centre
- Centre des ainés de Gatineau
- Centre des Etudiants Handicapés de la FÉUO / Centre for Students with Disabilities of the SFUO
- Centre des ressources de l'Est d'Ottawa | Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre
- Centre des Services Communautaires De Vanier
- Centre Elizabeth Centre, Long Term Care Facility
- Centre Espoir Sophie
- Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks
- Centre for Science in the Public Interest
- Centre for Students with Disabilities/ Centre des Etudiants ayant un Handicap
- Centre for Treatment of Sexual Abuse and Childhood Trauma
- Centre Francophone de Toronto
- Centre hospitalier Pierre-Janet
- Centre hospitalier Pierre-Janet - Centre d'aide 24/7
- Centre hospitalier pour enfants de l'est de l'Ontario (CHEO) / Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
- Centre Intervalle du Pontiac
- Centre le Portage
- Centre Linguista Canada
- Centre local de développpement des Collines-de-l'Outaouais
- Centre medical Ste-Anne
- Centre national de la recherche Faunique / National Wildlife Research Centre
- Centre parascolaire Alpha 3 - 12
- Centre Pearson pour le maintien de la paix / Pearson Peacekeeping Centre
- Centre régional d'archives de l'Outaouais
- Centre régional de réadaptation La RessourSe
- Centre Taché - Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Centres de santé et de services sociaux de Gatineau - CLSC de Gatineau
- Centres Jeunesse de L'Outaouais
- Centres résidentiels communautaires de l'Outaouais (CRCO)
- Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation
- Centretown Emergency Food Centre
- Cercle des russophiles (Le) / The Russophiles Circle
- CeTSC Conseil étudiant Telfer Student Council
- Chambre des communes - Parlement du Canada / House of Commons - Parliament of Canada
- Chelsea Nordiq Ski and Biathlon Club
- Child and Youth Friendly Ottawa
- Child Care Providers Resource Network
- Children Aid Society / Société d'aide à l'enfance d'Ottawa
- Chinese Christian Church of Ottawa
- Chinese Student Association of the University of Ottawa
- Christian Horizons
- Christie Lake Kids
- Christmas Exchange of Ottawa-Carleton
- CHUO, FM 89.1
- Cisco Ottawa Bluesfest
- Citizen Advocacy of Ottawa / Parrainage civique d'Ottawa
- Citizens For Safe Cycling
- City Church
- City for All Women Initiative (CAWI) / Initiative : une ville pour toutes les femmes (IVTF)
- City Hall Office - Allan Hubley, Councillor
- City Hall Office - Keith Egli, Councillor
- City Hall Office - Marianne Wilkinson, Councillor
- City Hall Office - Mark Taylor, Councillor
- City Hall Office - Mathieu Fleury, Councillor
- City of Ottawa - Acquired Brain Injury Day Program
- City of Ottawa - Biodiversity Conservation Strategies
- City of Ottawa - Community Sustainability Department / Ville d'Ottawa - Service de viabilité des collectivités
- City of Ottawa - Dance Program
- City of Ottawa - Doors Open Ottawa / Portes ouvertes Ottawa
- City of Ottawa - Parks and Recreation Branch, Routhier Community Centre
- City of Ottawa - Parks Recreation and Cultural Services
- City of Ottawa - Parks, Recreation and Culture Branch Community Programs
- City of Ottawa - Poverty Reduction Strategy
- City of Ottawa - Special Needs - Integration Services SPIRIT program
- Climate Action Network Canada - Reseau action climat Canada
- Clinique de vaccination H1N1 uOttawa / uOttawa H1N1 Vaccination Clinic
- Club 352 Squash Fitness
- Club des étudiants Haïtiens de l'Université d'Ottawa
- Club des garçons et filles d'Ottawa / Boys & Girls Club of Ottawa
- Club des petits déjeuners du Québec
- Club Lions
- Club richelieu
- Coalition Interagence Sida et dévelopment / Interagency Coalition on AIDS and development
- Coalition jeunesse Sierra / Sierra Youth Coalition
- Coalition of Community Health and Resource Centres of Ottawa
- Coalition ontarienne de formation des adultes (COFA)
- Coalition pour la protection des South March Highlands / Save Ottawa's South March Highlands
- CODE (formerly Canadian Organization for Development of Education)
- Coliseum
- Collaborative Community Practice Group
- Collectif régional de lutte à l'intinérance de l'Outaouais (CRIO)
- COLLIER Fitness & Nutrition Inc.
- Commission scolaire des Draveurs
- Commission scolaire des Portages-de-l'Outaouais
- Commission Scolaire Western Québec School Board
- Communaut� Somalienne-NSG6560-�t� 2011
- CommuniCare Therapy
- Community Evolve
- Community Legal Services Ottawa Centre
- Community Living Glengarry
- Community Office for Yasir Naqvi Member of Provincial Parliament Ottawa Centre
- CompuCorps Mentoring / Les Mentors du CompuCorps
- Computer Science Student Association - Association des étudiants en informatique
- Confederation Court Community House
- Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir
- Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP)
- Connecting Pieces
- Conseil économique et Social d'Ottawa-Carleton (CESOC)
- Conseil Cri de la santé et des services sociaux de la Baie James
- Conseil de planification sociale d'Ottawa / Social Planning Council of Ottawa
- Conseil des écoles publiques de l'Est de l'Ontario
- Conseil des École Catholiques du Centre Est (CECCE)
- Conseil international des études canadiennes / International Council for Canadian Studies
- Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l'Est ontarien
- Conversa Language Services
- Coop Voisins
- Coopérative Horizon emploi Inc.
- Coopérative de solidarité: Quartiers en santé
- Cooperative de Travail - Maintenance 1A Plus
- Cordova Club
- Corporation de développement communautaire Rond point
- Corriere Canadese
- Councillor Leadman's Office
- Counterpoint Academy
- CPE du PIC
- Crichton Cultural Community Centre
- Cross-Cultural Solutions
- Cross-Over
- Crossroads Children's Centre
- Crystal Bay Centre for Special Education
- CSL Training Organization
- Cultural Horizons
- Cumberland Jr. Grads Hockey
- Cumberland Lodge
- Cumberland United Soccer Club
- Cumbrae School of Dance
- Cyber-@pprentissage, Université d'Ottawa/E-Learning Center, University of Ottawa
- Cycling for Hope
- Défense Nationale / National Defence
- Département d'histoire, l'Université d'Ottawa / Department of History, University of Ottawa
- Département des langues et littératures modernes/ Department of Modern Languages
- Développement durable, Université d'Ottawa / Sustainable Development, University of Ottawa
- Dante Alighieri Society
- Day of Information Lifetime of Action
- Deborah Thomson School of Dance
- Debra Dynes Family House Inc
- Delta Delta Delta - Canada Delta Chapter
- Democracy Watch
- Dépanneur Sylvestre
- Department of Canadian Heritage
- Department of Communication (University of Ottawa)
- Department of Justice
- Developmental Services of Lanark, Leeds, and Grenville
- Developmental Services of Leeds and Grenville
- Diamond Development Initiative / L'initiative diamant et développement
- Diefenbunker - Musée Canadien de la guerre froide / Canada's Cold War Museum
- Différentes Écoles / Various Schools
- Distress Centre of Ottawa and Region
- DiVino Wine Studio
- DLS Students Association
- Dormition of the Virgin Mary-Greek Orthodox Church
- Downtown Rideau Business Improvement Area
- Dr Michelle Fortier's laboratory
- Dr. P. Behnke Psychological Services
- Dr. Susan Johnson's Laboratories
- Dress for Success
- Dryden Enhanced Hearing Centre
- Ducks Unlimited
- Duke of Devonshire Retirement Residence
- E.A.G.L.E. Centre
- Earth Day Ottawa
- East Ottawa Thunder Junior Hockey Club
- ECD Quizzing
- Eco Expo
- Ecojustice Canada / University of Ottawa Environmental Law Clinic
- École de psychologie, Université d'Ottawa | School of Psychology, University of Ottawa
- École Les Rapides
- Ecology Ottawa
- Edinburgh Retirement Residence (The)
- Egale Canada
- Eglise Adventiste du Septieme Jour Ottawa
- Egyptian Canadian Cultural Association of Ottawa (ECCAO)
- Elgin Street Public School
- Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa
- ELS Training Organization
- ELS Training Organization
- Embassy of Jordan
- Empower Single Moms
- Empress Kanata Retirement Residence
- Engineers Without Borders - Ottawa Professional Chapter
- Engineers Without Borders uOttawa Chapter
- Entraide budgétaire Ottawa
- Entraide-Deuil de l'Outaouais
- Entre Amigos Club d'espagnol
- Entre Deux Roues
- Enviro Educ-Action
- Environment Canada
- Environmental Defence
- Environmental Physiology
- Environmental Science Project: Acadia University/Ottawa University
- Equal Voice / À voix égales
- Equal Voice uOttawa
- Equipe Psycho-Sociale
- Espoir Rosalie
- ETC Group
- Explorateurs de la Police de Hawkesbury Police Explorers
- Extendicare Laurier Manor
- Extendicare Medex
- Extendicare New Orchard Lodge
- Extendicare Starwood
- Fédération étudiante de l'Université d'Ottawa / Student Federation of the University of Ottawa
- Fédération de la jeunesse franco-ontarienne (FESFO)
- Fairbairn House
- Families Matter Co-operative
- Family Services � la famille Ottawa
- Federal Association of Security Officials/Association fédérale des responsables de la sécurité
- Fédération canadienne des municipalités | Federation of Canadian Municipalities
- Federation of Medical Women of Canada (FMWC)
- Festival de la Curd (St-Albert, On)
- Festival du film de l'Outaouais
- Filles de la Sagesse du Canada
- FindingLife
- First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada
- First Place Options
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Flare Dance Studio
- Fondation Acacia
- Fondation canadienne du cancer du sein / Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
- Fondation Chelsea Foundation
- Fondation d'entraide en santé des bénévoles de Sainte-Anne
- Fondation du cancer - région d'Ottawa / Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation
- Fondation Franco-Ontarienne
- Fondation Marie-Vincent - Centre d'expertise en agression sexuelle
- Forum for Young Canadians
- Foundation for the Study of Processes of Government in Canada
- Foyer St-Jacques
- Franco-Elite Canada
- Fraternité mondiale pour le développement (FMD)
- Free the Children - uOttawa chapter
- Friends of the Central Experimental Farm
- Friends of the Ottawa Public Library Association
- Frontier College
- Fulcrum (The)
- FYBY News
- Gîte Ami (Le)
- Games For All
- Garderie de Véronique
- Garderie des amis
- Garderie la coccinelle
- Garderie la Mignonette
- Garderie La Ribouldingue
- Gatineau Synchro
- General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS)
- Geological Survey of Canada - Multinational Andean Project
- Girl Guides of Canada / Guides du Canada
- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Program
- Glebe Centre Inc. (The)
- Glebe Historical Society
- Global Brigades Mount Allison
- Global Enrichment Foundation
- Gloucester Association for Children with Special Needs (GACSN)
- Gloucester Cumberland Basketball Association
- Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard
- Gloucester Griffins Lacrosse
- Gloucester-Cumberland girls Hockey
- Go Batty!
- Good Companions (The)
- GOYA Theatre Productions Inc.
- Grands Frères Grandes Soeurs de l'Outaouais (Les)
- Great River Waldorf School
- Green Campus Environment Club- uOttawa
- Green Communities - Écoliers actifs et en sécurité / Active & Safe Routes to School
- Green Party of Canada
- Green Team of CUPE 2626
- Greenboro Community Center
- Group of 78
- Groupe d'action Equiterre en Outaouais
- Groupe de recherche en études arabes canadiennes (EACAN) | Arab Canadian Studies Research Group (ACANS)
- H'Art of Ottawa
- H2O Chelsea
- Héritage Ottawa
- Habitat for Humanity
- Halifax Initiative Coalition
- Harmonie communautaire de l'Universite d'Ottawa (L') / University of Ottawa Community Concert Band
- Harmony House Women's Shelter
- Harvest Christian Fellowship
- Harvest House
- HBC Run for Canada
- Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group
- Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
- Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario
- Heart of the City Piano Program- University of Ottawa Chapter
- Help the Aged
- Helping With Furniture
- Heritage Canada Foundation (The)
- Heron Seniors Centre
- Hillel Ottawa - Jewish Students Association
- Hindu Students' Council of the University of Ottawa
- Holocaust Education Week Commitee
- Holy Redeemer Parish
- Home-Based Spiritual Care
- HOPE International Development Agency
- HOPE Volleyball SummerFest
- Hopewell
- Hopital d'Ottawa (L') - Campus Civic / The Ottawa Hospital - Civic Campus
- Hopital d'Ottawa (L') - Campus Général / The Ottawa Hospital - General Campus
- Hopital d'Ottawa (L') - Campus Riverside / The Ottawa Hospital - Riverside Campus
- Hopital Montfort/Montfort Hospital
- Horizons Renaissance Inc.
- Hospice at May Court
- Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)/Ressources humaines et Développement des compétences Canada (RHDCC)
- Human Rights Internet
- Humanité sans frontières
- Humanitarian Coalition
- Humanitarian Mobility International
- Hunt Club/Riverside Community Services Centre
- ICAfrica - International Charity for Africa
- IEEE Ottawa Section
- Imagine Ottawa
- Immigrant Women Services Ottawa
- In-school Mentoring / Mentorat dans les écoles
- Indian Students' Federation - University of Ottawa
- Industry Canada
- Initiative l'avenir nous appartient / It's our Future Initiative (IANA/IOFI)
- Initiative un monde à partager / Shared World Initiative
- Initiatives des femmes pour la sécurité environnementale / Women's Initiatives for Safer Environments
- Initiatives of Change Canada
- Institut canadien de recherches sur les femmes (ICREF) | Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW)
- Institut Canadien pour la résolution des conflits | Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution
- Institut d'histoire de l'Amérique française
- Institut de cardiologie de l'Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa Heart Institute
- Institut de l'Environnement, Université d'Ottawa / Institute of the Environment, University of Ottawa
- Institut national canadien pour les aveugles (INCA) / Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Canada)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), University of Ottawa Student Branch
- Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)
- International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
- International Health and Development Program, Health Services, University of Ottawa
- International Joint Commission
- International Office
- International Police Training Institute (IPTI)
- International Punjabi Foundation
- International Student Volunteers
- Interval House of Ottawa
- INWES (International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists) Education and Research Institute (ERI)
- Iran Democratic Association
- Irish Society of the National Capital Region
- IUCN Academy of Environmental Law
- Jaku Konbit
- Jardin Communautaire Sandy Hill Community Garden
- Jer's Vision: Canada's Youth Diversity Initiative
- Jericho Road
- Jeunes musiciens du monde
- Jeunesse Canada Monde / Canada World Youth
- Jeux de la Communication
- Jeux de la traduction 2011 Translation Games
- Jewish Youth Library of Ottawa
- Josée's group
- Junior Achievement, Ottawa-Carleton District
- Just Food
- Kemptville Youth Centre
- Kids Fitness League
- Kilgour & Associates Ltd.
- King Edward Avenue Task Force
- Kingston General Hospital (KGH)
- Kingsway Arms at Villa Orleans
- Kushudebu Public Health Mission Nepal
- L'artishow
- L'Association civiliste de défense environnementale - ACDE
- L'Atelier des Petits Champlain / Service de garde Champlain
- L'Età d'Oro
- L'Institut Nord-Sud / The North-South Institute
- L'Ora Di Ottawa
- La Fédération des kinésiologues du Québec (FKQ)
- La Fondation Canadienne Un monde de Rêves / A World of Dreams Foundation Canada
- La maison Mathieu-Froment-Savoie
- La Rotonde
- La Tablée Populaire
- Laboratoire médias audiovisuels pour l'étude des cultures et sociétés, Université d'Ottawa / Audiovisual Media Lab for the study of Cultures and Societies, University of Ottawa
- Laboratory for Human Bioenergetics and Environmental Physiology, University of Ottawa
- Lady Gee-Gees Ultimate Team
- Ladyfest Ottawa
- Laiterie de l'Outaouais
- Lambda Foundation
- Lanark County Interval House
- Laurencrest Youth Services Inc.
- Le centre islamique de l'Outaouais / The Outaouais Islamic Center
- Le Conseil sur le vieillissement d'Ottawa | Council on Aging of Ottawa
- Le Pilier / Cornerstone
- Leadership Ottawa
- Leading Note Foundation (The)
- Lebanese and Arab Social Services Agency (LASSA) of Ottawa
- Lebanese Cultural Club
- Les amis de l'hôpital d'Ottawa
- Let's Talk Science - Parlons Sciences
- LetsStopAIDS
- Liberal Party of Canada
- Library and Archives Canada
- Library of Parliament
- Life-Lines
- Lifecentre Blackburn
- Lifeteen
- Ligue d'improvisation étudiante universitaire (LIEU)
- LiveWorkPlay (LWP)
- Lord Lansdowne Retirement Residence
- Lorianne Suess' support
- Lowertown Good Neighbours Community House / Maison communautaire du bon voisinage de la Basse-Ville
- Lynwood Park Lodge Retirement Residence
- Ma diététiste pour la Vie
- MADD Ottawa
- Madeline Meilleur, Member of Parliament for Ottawa-Vanier
- Madonna della Risurrezione Parish
- Madonna Long Term Care Residence
- Maison Accueil Sagesse
- Maison colonial Sarsfield / Sarsfield Colonial Home
- Maison d'Amitié
- Maison des jeunes Mashado
- Maison fraternité
- Maison Internationale FÉUO / SFUO International House
- Maison le Ricochet
- Maison Libère-elles
- Maison Tucker House
- Make-A-Wish Foundation of Eastern Ontario
- Making Waves Ottawa
- Management Information Systems Association - Telfer School of Management
- Managers Without Borders/ Gestionnaires Sans Frontières
- Manoir Belcourt - Résidence pour retraites
- Manoir et Apartements Héritage
- Manoir Marochel, Centre de Soins de Longue Durée
- Manoir Sainte-Marie
- Marbek Resource Consultants
- Marian CCS Test Foundation
- Marion_Compte fictif
- Match International
- Matheson, Iroquois Falls, Cochrane Group of Health Services
- Matthew House Ottawa
- McNabbs Gymnastics Club
- Meals on Wheels / La popote roulante
- Media Action
- Media Awareness Network
- Media Club of Ottawa
- Men's Project (The)
- Merchant Navy Commemorative Theme Project (MNCTP)
- Metropolitan Bible Church
- Micah Challenge Canada
- Michael Wilson, Volunteer Arts workshops
- Micronutrient Initiative
- Midland YMCA
- Mills Community Support Corporation
- Mines Action Canada
- Ministère des Richesses naturelles- Ontario / Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
- Minwaashin Lodge
- Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority
- Mobility Access Awareness Group (MAAG)
- Moisson Outaouais
- Moksha Yoga Ottawa
- International, Inc.
- Motivated Youth Camp
- Mots et gestes: Clinique privée d'orthophonie et ergothérapie
- Musée canadien des civilisations / Canadian Museum of Civilization
- Musée des sciences et de la technologie du Canada / Canada Science and Technology Museum
- Musée du patrimoine de Cumberland / Cumberland Heritage Village Museum
- Muséoparc Vanier Museopark
- Muscular Dystrophy Canada
- Musée de l'aviation et de l'espace du Canada / Canada Aviation and Space Museum
- Museum of Classical Antiquities
- Music and Beyond Performing Arts
- Musicfest Canada
- myChurch
- National Associations Active in Criminal Justice (NAACJ)
- National Capital Commission (Gatineau Park)
- National Capital Commission / Commission de la capitale nationale
- National Capital Region YMCA-YWCA
- National Congress of Italian Canadians
- National Council on Canada-Arab Relations (NCCAR)
- National Research Council
- NationWares
- Native Women's Association of Canada
- Natural Resources Canada - Clean Electric Power Generation Program
- Nature Canada
- Nautilus Plus
- Navan Animal Rescue Corporation
- Neil Squire Society
- Nepean Girls Hockey Association (NGHA)
- Nepean Minor Hockey Association
- Nepean Museum
- Nepean Outreach to the World
- Nepean Rideau Osgoode Community Resource Centre
- Nepean Sportsplex
- Nepean YMCA-YWCA
- Networks for Change
- New Edinburgh Square Seniors Housing
- Nigerian Students Association of the University of Ottawa
- Non-Violence-Now
- North River Road Gospel Hall
- Nouveau Parti démocratique (NPD) / New Democratic Party (NDP)
- Nutrition Resource Centre, Ontario Ministry of Health
- Observatoire pour la gouvernance démocratique (OGD)
- Odawa Native Friendship Centre
- oleans festival.
- Omladinski Centar
- One Child's Village
- ONOUPS Observatoire des nouvelles pratiques symboliques
- Ontario Ministry of Citizenship & Immigration, ChangeTheWorld: Ontario Youth Volunteer Challenge
- Ontario Public Service Employees Union - OPSEU
- Operation Come Home
- OPIRG-GRIPO (Ontario Public Interest Research Group / Groupe de recherche d'intérêt publique de l'Ontario)
- ORAM- Organization for Refuge, Asylum and Migration
- ORBIS Canada
- Ordre de Saint-Lazare / Order of St. Lazarus
- Organisation Têtes Ensemble Internationale SOS Haïti
- Organisation Têtes Ensemble Internationale SOS Haiti
- Organization
- Orlean's Minor Hockey Association/ Orlean's Eagles Midget ''A''
- Otesha Project (The)
- Ottawa Arts Review
- Ottawa Biosphere Eco-City (BEC)
- Ottawa Carleton Ultimate Association
- Ottawa Centre Minor Hockey Association
- Ottawa Chamber Music Society
- Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre
- Ottawa Citadel Corps Salvation Army
- Ottawa Community Economic Development (CED) Network
- Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization (The)
- Ottawa Crown Ward Education Championship Team
- Ottawa Dragon Boat Race Festival
- Ottawa Festivals d'Ottawa
- Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club
- Ottawa Folk Festival
- Ottawa Food Bank / La Banque d'alimentation
- Ottawa Girls Hockey Association
- Ottawa Good Food Box
- Ottawa Heart of the City Piano Program
- Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre (Speech Language Pathology)/Le centre de réadaptation de l'hôpital d'Ottawa (Ortophonie)
- Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
- Ottawa Humane Society
- Ottawa Hunt Club Manor Retirement Residence
- Ottawa Inner City Health
- Ottawa Innercity Ministries
- Ottawa International Animation Festival
- Ottawa Inuit Children's Centre
- Ottawa Islamic School
- Ottawa Jewish Archives
- Ottawa Lebanese Festival
- Ottawa Little Theatre
- Ottawa Mission (The)
- Ottawa Police Service
- Ottawa Public Library - Community Parnterships and Programming
- Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre
- Ottawa Riverkeeper
- Ottawa Senators Foundation
- Ottawa Special Olympics
- Ottawa Stewardship Council
- Ottawa Suzuki Strings
- Ottawa Therapy Dogs
- Ottawa Valley Curling Association
- Ottawa Volunteers in Education (ONFE)
- Ottawa Women's Filò
- Ottawa Youth Orchestra Academy
- Ottawa-Carleton Lifeskills Inc
- Ottawa-Carleton Physiotherapy Sports Injury Center
- Oui Canada: Conférence des Nations Unies pour le développement durable 2012 | We Canada : Earth Summit 2012
- Our Lady of Assumption
- Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
- Our Lady of Fatima Elementary School
- Our Lady of His Mercy Friendship House Apostolate
- Our Lady Of The Angels Catholic Church
- Overbrook Community Center, City of Ottawa
- Oxfam Canada
- Pêches et Océans Canada-Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Parcs Canada - Intégrité écologique / Parks Canada - Ecological Intergrity Branch
- Parcs Canada-Direction de l'integrité écologique-Parks Canada-Ecological Integrity Branch
- Parish of the Eastern Outaouais - Anglican Church of Canada
- Parkinson's Society Ottawa
- Parliament of Canada, Office of Frank Valeriote
- Parliamentary Office - Alain Giguère, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Andrew Cash, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Andrew Saxton, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Art Eggleton, Senator (Lib)
- Parliamentary Office - Brian Masse, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Bruce Hyer, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Bruce Stanton, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Candice Hoeppner, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Cheryl Gallant, M.P.
- Parliamentary Office - Claude Gravelle, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Fin Donnelly, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Gerald Keddy, M.P.
- Parliamentary Office - Hélène LeBlanc, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Harold Albrecht, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Hon. Carolyn Bennett, M.P. (Liberal)
- Parliamentary Office - Irene Mathyssen, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Irwin Cotler, M.P. (Liberal)
- Parliamentary Office - Isabelle Morin, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Jasbir Sandhu, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Jean Crowder, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Jinny Sims, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Joe Preston, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - John Rafferty, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - John Weston, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Justin Trudeau, M.P. (Liberal)
- Parliamentary Office - Linda Duncan, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Lisa Raitt, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Matthew Kellway, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Merv Tweed, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Michael Chong, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Mike Sullivan, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Nina Grewal, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Parm Gill, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Paul Dewar, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Peter Julian, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Pierre Lemieux, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Pierre Poilievre, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Randall Garrison, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Rathika Sitsabaiesan, M.P. (NDP)
- Parliamentary Office - Richard Harris, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Rona Ambrose, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Royal Galipeau, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Scott Reid, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Ted Hsu, M.P. (Lib)
- Parliamentary Office - Tim Uppal, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Wai Young, M.P. (PC)
- Parliamentary Office - Wladyslaw Lizon, M.P.
- Parliamentary Office of Don Davies, M.P. (NDP)
- Parrainage francophile de l'Université d'Ottawa
- Passeport pour ma réussite / Pathways to Education
- Patro d'Ottawa (Le)
- Pavillon du Parc
- Pavillon Marionville
- Peace and Environment Resource Centre
- Peace Dividend Trust
- Peer Review Radio
- Pembina Institute
- Pembroke Public Library
- People's Republic of Delicious (PRD)
- Perley and Rideau Veterans' Health Centre
- Peter D. Clark Foyer de soins de longues durée
- Petit Enfance de Prescott Russell
- Phare, Enfants et Familles (Le)
- Pinecrest Nursing Home
- Pinecrest Terrace Community House
- Pinhey's Point Historic Site
- Pink Triangle Services
- Plan Canada International
- Planned Parenthood Ottawa / Planning des naissances d'Ottawa
- Pleasant Park Public School
- Plouffe Park Recreation Association
- Polaris Institute
- Police Provinciale de l'Ontario - Ontario Provincial Police
- Portobello Manor
- Pour une politique alimentaire populaire (PPAP) / People’s Food Policy Project (PFPP)
- POWER (Prostitutes of Ottawa-Gatineau Work Educate & Resist)
- Prevent Cancer Now
- Programme Connexions / Connections Program
- Programme Parascolaire la Vérendrye
- Programmes d'enseignement coopératif, Université d'Ottawa / Co-operative Education Programs, University of Ottawa
- Project TEMBO
- Project World Citizen Society
- Projet de développement, de réussite et d'espérance pour les enfants orphelins de San Mateo - PRODESENH
- Propeller Dance
- Prostate Cancer Canada
- Protection communautaire, Université d'Ottawa / Community Protection, University of Ottawa
- Psychology Student's Association (The)
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- Public Policy Forum
- Puritan (The)
- Queen Elizabeth Public School (689 St. Laurent Blvd, Ottawa, On)
- Queens University - Gifts for Peace 2009
- Queensway-Carleton Hospital
- Réseau en développement organisationnel Ottawa-Outaouais
- Réseau international pour la diversité culturelle / International Network for Cultural Diversity
- Résidence Le Monastère
- Résidence Montfort Renaissance
- Résidence Simon
- Résidences de la Gappe
- RÉSULTATS Canada / RESULTS Canada- Chapitre de Gatineau
- Radha Yoga Centre
- Radios Rurales Internationales (Les) / Farm Radio International
- Rainforest Alliance
- Ray Friel Recreation Complex
- Reach Canada
- RealAuction - RealDecoy Inc
- Regroupement des cuisines collectives de Gatineau (RCCG)
- Regroupement des diététistes francophones de l'Ontario (RDFO) (Le)
- Regroupement des organismes du patrimoine franco-ontarien
- Relais des jeunes Gatinois
- Réseau canadien de l'environnement / Canadian Environmental Network
- Réseau canadien du cancer du sein (Le) / Canadian Breast Cancer Network (CBCN)
- Residence L'erabliere
- Residence Life
- Residence Saint-Louis (Branche de l'hopital Elizabeth-Bruyère)
- Résidence St-François
- Rideau Gardens
- Rideau Place on-the-River
- Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
- Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary
- Rideauview Community Centre
- Robertson House Retirement Residence
- Room to Read Ottawa
- Rotaract Club of Ottawa
- Rotary Club of West Ottawa
- Royal Canadian Air Cadets at The Canada Aviation Museum
- Royal Canadian Legion National Track & Field Championship
- RSA - the Renaissance Society of America
- Russell Association of the Performing Arts
- Russell Heights Community House
- Rwanda Social Services and Family Counselling
- Sadaqa Food Bank
- SAGA jeunesse
- Sage Youth - Jeunesse Sage
- Sahan Relief and Development Organization
- Saint Paul University - Université Saint-Paul
- Salvaide
- Salvation Army Ottawa Booth Centre
- Samara
- Samaritan Support Services of Ottawa Carleton
- Santé Canada | Health Canada
- Santé publique Ottawa / Public Health Ottawa
- Save the Children Canada
- SAW Video
- School of Rehabilitation Sciences
- Scientists Without Borders/Scientifiques Sans Frontières - UOttawa Chapter
- Scout St-Pierre Chanel
- Scouts Canada
- SD&G Federal Liberal Association
- Seaway Valley Devils
- SecDev Group
- Sending Petals
- SenosAyuda
- Separation/Divorce Resource Center
- Service Canadien de la faune / Canadian Wildlife Service
- Service Communautaire d'Ottawa -Ouest / Ottawa West Community Support
- Service Correctionnel du Canada - Correctional Service of Canada
- Service d'apprentissage experientiel
- Service d'appui au succès scolaire, Université d'Ottawa / Student Academic Success Service, University of Ottawa
- Service de crise en santé mentale de Prescott Russell : Hôpital Montfort
- Service de répit familial La Bouffée d'Air
- Service de vie communautaire - Programmation francophone
- Service de vie communautaire / Community Life Service
- Service des carrières, Université d'Ottawa / Career Services, University of Ottawa
- Service des sports, Université d'Ottawa | Sports Services, University of Ottawa
- Service paramédic d'Ottawa / Ottawa Paramedic Service
- Services aux Victimes d'Ottawa / Ottawa Victim Services
- Services aux victimes Prescott-Russell Victim Services
- Services d'ugences de Prescott-Russell
- Services de santé Royal Ottawa / Royal Ottawa Health Care Group
- Services sociaux/Social Services Prescott & Russell
- Sexual Assault Support Centre of Ottawa
- Sexual Health and STI Section Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
- SFUO Clubs
- SFUO Foot Patrol / Service de raccompagnement de la FÉUO
- Shepherds of Good Hope
- Sierra Club Canada
- Sir Guy Carleton Branch / United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada
- Skills Canada - Ontario
- Société Alzheimer de l’Outaouais Québécois
- Société canadienne du sida (La) / Canadian AIDS Society
- Société d'Alzheimer de Rouyn Noranda (La)
- Société de recherche sur le cancer (La) / Cancer Research Society (The)
- Société de sauvetage / Lifesaving Society
- Société franco-ontarienne d'histoire et de généalogie (SFOHG)
- Société franco-ontarienne de l'autisme
- Society of Educational Visits and Exchanges in Canada (SEVEC)
- Soeurs de la Charité d'Ottawa | Sisters of Charity of Ottawa
- Soins Continus Bruyère / Bruyere Continuing Care
- Solidarité ethnique régionale de la Yamaska
- Solidarité Jeunesse
- Soloway Jewish Community Centre
- Somali Centre for Family Services
- Somerset West Community Health Centre
- Sonshine Families
- Soupe populaire de Hull inc.
- South Asian Alliance Culture Show Dance Team
- South Nepean Muslim Community
- Specialty Care Granite Ridge
- Sports Services - Strength and Conditioning
- SSUO Promotion de la santé / UOHS Health Promotion
- St Raphael Center
- St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral
- St. Joe's Women's Centre
- St. Joseph's Catholic Church
- St. Leonard's Society of Canada
- St. Theresa Parish
- Stage en Santé communautaire pluridisciplinaire / Transdisciplinary Community Health
- Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation
- Start 2 finish: Running & Reading
- Stepping Stones Foster Care
- Stittsville Retirement Community
- Stone Circle
- Strategic HR Planning - Canadian Coast Guard
- Strathcona Heights Homework Club
- Students Aiding Village Empowerment (S.A.V.E.)
- Students Offering support
- Students on Ice Expeditions | Expéditions Students on Ice
- SUCO-Solidarité Union Coopération
- Summerville Supportive Housing John Howard Society of Ottawa
- Sureté du Québec - Poste de la MRC de Papineau
- Sustainable Living Ottawa East
- Suzuki Music
- SwingUO
- Télé-Gaspé (télévision communautaire)
- Tel-Aide Outaouais
- Ten Thousand Villages Ottawa
- Terrain de camping municipal d'Ottawa / Ottawa Municipal Campground
- Terrapoint
- Théâtre du Trillium
- The Canadian Foundation for Animal-Assisted Support Services (The )
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- The Door / La Porte Youth Centre
- The Lung Association - Ottawa Chapter
- The National Council of Women of Canada
- The Natural Step
- The Owner's and Resident's Association of Lac bernard
- The Pheonix Center for Children and families
- The Prosperity Long-Term Care Fund
- The Senate of Canada
- The Snowsuit Fund
- The Vanier Institute of the Family
- The Weekend to End Breast Cancer
- The Well - La Source
- Therapeutic & Educational Living Centres Inc. (TELCI)
- Therapeutic Riding Association of Ottawa-Carleton Inc.
- TIGed (TakingITGlobal - For Educators)
- TMA-AMT Telfer Marketing Association - Association de Marketing Telfer
- Total Sport Development International
- Tournoi Atome Duguay Sports
- Township of Osgoode Home Support Program
- Trade Facilitation Office (TFO) Canada
- Trait d'Union Outaouais inc. (TUOI)
- TransFair Canada
- Tremplin des lecteurs
- Trillium Childhood Cancer Support Centre (Camp Trillium)
- Tungasuvvingat Inuit
- Turner Syndrome Society of Canada
- U of O Kiwanis Circle K Club
- Umi Café
- Uni-Alter, section Ottawa
- UNICEF Club of the University of Ottawa
- United Helpers Nursing Home
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- United Way/Centraide Ottawa
- Université d'Ottawa - Programme de nutrition
- Université du Québec à Montréal
- Université d'Ottawa- Institut des langues officielles et du bilinguisme (ILOB) | University of Ottawa's - Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI)
- Universit� d'Ottawa- D�partement de chimie / University of Ottawa - Chemistry Department
- University of Ottawa - Family Psychology Laboratory
- University of Ottawa - Institute of Population Health
- University of Ottawa Chinese-Japanese Language & Culture Centre
- University of Ottawa Greens
- University of Ottawa labs
- University of Ottawa Library
- University of Ottawa Libray. Cataloguing Services
- University Of Ottawa Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine
- University of Ottawa Student Ambassadors
- University of Ottawa, Table Tennis Club
- Unviersité d'Ottawa - Relations avec les anciens | University of Ottawa - Alumni Relations
- UOSERRES (Special Events Responders / Répondants aux événements spéciaux)
- uOttawa - Polish Students' Society
- uOttawa - Programme d'espagnol/Spanish Program
- uOttawa - Undergraduate English Student Association
- uOttawa - United Way Campaign
- uOttawa -CHABAD Student Network Ottawa
- uOttawa -Department of Biology & Institute of the Environment (Prof. Scott Findlay)
- uOttawa Centre on Governance - Citizens Academy Initiative
- uOttawa CHRA/AECH
- uOttawa D.R.E.A.M.S.
- uOttawa Development Office
- uOttawa Faculty of Education - Developing A Global Perspective For Educators
- uOttawa Healthcare Symposium
- Uottawa Michel Charron
- uOttawa Neuropsychology Lab
- uOttawa Oxfam chapter - KNOW HIV/AIDS
- uOttawa Portugese Student Association
- uOttawa Service du logement - Housing Service
- uOttawa Services Linguistiques
- uOttawa Student Investment Club
- uOttawa Viva Italia: Il club italiano dell'universita di ottawa
- uOttawa WISE - Women in Science and Engineering
- UOttawa World Issues Society (WIS)
- Upper Canada Village/St. Lawrence Parks Commission
- US Embassy Ottawa
- USC Canada
- Valoris
- Vanier Institute of the Family
- Vie Autonome Canada / Independent Living Canada
- Vigi Santé
- Villa Marconi
- Ville d'Ottawa - Direction des services en français | City of Ottawa - French Language Services Branch
- Ville d'Ottawa - Rendez-Vous
- Ville d'Ottawa / City of Ottawa
- Vivre en Ville
- Voix Internationale pour la Paix (La)
- Voluntary Services Overseas Canada - VSO Canada
- Volunteer Canada
- Volunteer Ottawa
- Volunteer Ottawa: Youth Volunteer Engagement Program
- VON Canada
- Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health
- Watercan at the University of Ottawa
- WaterCan/EauVive
- Week 101
- West African Youth Association (WAYA)
- West End Hockey League
- Westboro Village Co-Operative Preschool
- Westwood Retirement Residence
- Wildlife Habitat Canada
- Woodvale Pentecostal Church
- World Inter-Action Mondiale
- World Literacy Canada
- World Oceans Day Canada
- World University Service of Canada (WUSC) - Entraide universitaire mondiale du Canada (EUMC) - Ottawa
- WUSC Student Refugee Program at the University of Ottawa
- Xi Delta Theta Sorority
- Y.E.S (Youth Empowering Society)
- YMCA of Quebec
- York Street Public School
- YOUCAN - Youth Canada Association
- Young People's Language School of Canada (YPLS/OCENET)
- Youth Challenge International
- Youth Coalition
- Youth Futures - L'avenir Jeunesse
- YSB Community Services
- Zeta Theta Xi Sisterhood - UOttawa
- Zoom Productions SFUO/ Productions Zoom FEUO