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Centre d'engagement mondial et communautaire
Pavillon Tabaret
pièce 304
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Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1N 6N5

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Partenaires communautaires

Organisation :
Institut de l'Environnement, Université d'Ottawa / Institute of the Environment, University of Ottawa
Description :
Favoriser la collaboration interdisciplinaire et l’innovation dans l’enseignement et la recherche dans le domaine de l’environnement, et sensibiliser la communauté en général aux questions environnementales. ***** The mission of the Institute of the Environment (IE) is to support interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation in environmental research and education and to promote an understanding of the environment in the community at large. The Institute of the Environment (IE) was formed in May 1999 by a statute of the University of Ottawa and has as its research mandate: The facilitation of interdisciplinary environmental research on campus and elsewhere, and The identification and colonization of developing niches in the environmental research and education landscape by building on existing strengths or interests of institute members.

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Derniere modification: 2010-12-10