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Pavillon Tabaret
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500 Cumberland
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1N 6N5

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Partenaires communautaires

Organisation :
Ottawa Crown Ward Education Championship Team
Description :
The Ottawa Crown Ward Education Championship Team's objectives are: 1. Establish a Multi-system Protocol to ensure a collaborative approach to the development and implementation of Education Plans for the youth with Crown wardship status in Ottawa. The Multi-system Protocol has been renamed the Unlocking Dreams; Opening Doors: Partnership Protocol. 2. Create a time-based results-oriented integrated and collaborative individualized educational plan for each youth with Crown wardship status that provides a pathway to their future: it will become the roadmap to reach their dreams. The Educational Plan has been renamed the Educational Roadmap to Success. 3. Further define baseline statistics in the area of academic achievement for youth with Crown wardship status in the City of Ottawa. This will allow the team to measure the progress being made to achieving increases in education achievement levels. 4. Meet the needs of both the French language and English language communities and the aboriginal and multi-cultural communities in Ottawa in the implementation of the Crown Ward Education Championship Team initiative. 5. Provide experiential learning opportunities with employment, education and training organizations for youth with Crown wardship status. Youth with Crown wardship status in our community benefit from the existence of many services and programs reaching across all four categories identified in this initiative: outreach, preparation, transition, retention. Our project has aimed to fill the gaps in the co-ordination of efforts that has to occur to assure a seamless delivery of services. The aim of the team continues to be to develop a mechanism to involve all, including youth, who can make a positive contribution to unlocking the dream; to opening the doors.

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Derniere modification: 2010-12-10