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Centre d'engagement mondial et communautaire
Pavillon Tabaret
pièce 304
500 Cumberland
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1N 6N5

Tél. : 613-562-5800 poste 5945
Télec. : 613-562-5285
Courriel :
CEMC > Étudiant(e) > AEC > Partenaires communautaires

Partenaires communautaires

Organisation :
Planned Parenthood Ottawa / Planning des naissances d'Ottawa
Description :
Planned Parenthood Ottawa existe depuis 1964 et offre des services communautaires en mati�re de sant� sexuelle et reproductive. Cet organisme offre plusieurs services �ducationnels et des services de counseling (� options support counseling �) aux gens de tous les �ges. Les sujets abord�s dans les session d�information incluent : les m�thodes contraceptives, les infections transmises sexuellement, le VIH, la violence, l�homosexualit�, la m�nopause, ect� *********************************************************** Planned Parenthood Ottawa has been serving the Ottawa community since 1964. We offer accurate education, counselling, and information services that continue to make a difference in people's everyday sexual and reproductive health. Planned Parenthood Ottawa is an agency with heart, laughter and a genuine concern for educating the many people of the nation's capital. We offer many educational services, including our peer led educational theatre troupes. Information sessions are offered for many subjetcs as abortion, contraception and safer sex, reproduction & sexuality, HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections.

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Derniere modification: 2010-12-10