Pour nous joindre
Centre d'engagement mondial et communautaire
Pavillon Tabaret
pièce 304
500 Cumberland
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1N 6N5

Tél. : 613-562-5800 poste 5945
Télec. : 613-562-5285
Courriel :
CEMC > Étudiant(e) > AEC > Partenaires communautaires

Partenaires communautaires

Organisation :
Canadian Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA)
Description :
CPRA exists to build healthy communities and enhance the quality of life and environments for all Canadians through collaboration with our members and partners. To this end, we will: • Be a national voice for parks and recreation • Build and nurture partnerships • Advocate parks and recreation as essential to individual, family and community health and well-being • Communicate and promote the value sand benefits of parks and recreation • Respond to the diverse an changing needs of members • Provide educational opportunities

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Derniere modification: 2010-12-10