1. Introduction to Secondary Sources

2. Textbooks

3. Legal Encyclopedias

4. Government Documents

5. Legal Dictionaries

Secondary Sources – Why Search for Secondary Sources?

Legal research and problem solving methodologies move from the broad and general to the narrow and particular. Before you zero in on your legal research problem, you need a firm grasp on and a solid understanding of the general area of law being researched. This will ensure that you do not "miss the forest for the trees”!

Secondary sources help you:

Note: It is rarely, if ever, appropriate or wise to commence legal research by searching for case law or by reading a statute. Even if your ultimate goal is to find a case on topic X, start with secondary sources!

Secondary sources are also very user-friendly.

Finally, while secondary sources are not considered binding authority, there are rare instances where a court might find that a particular secondary source carries significant persuasive authority.