Learning Modules
You can pick from the following list of learning modules. Either click the icon to access the first page of the module, or click "View Table of Contents" and select a page you would like to start on.

The Research Process
Learn the importance of deeloping a good search strategy in order to quickly and effectively answer legal questions.
Approximate duration: 15 minutes

Searching Using Keywords and Boolean Logic
Learn about Boolean operators and other tips and tricks to be a more efficient researcher.
Approximate duration: 30 minutes

Secondary Sources
Go beyond the textbook! Learn about some of the key secondary resources used in law.
Approximate duration: 30 minutes

Legal Journals & Periodicals
Learn more about the various, major legal databases to which the University of Ottawa has a subscription, and how you can effectively use them in your legal research projects.
Approximate duration: 30 minutes

Case Law and the Canadian Abridgment
Learn how case law comes into being, and the importance of legal precedent. Also learn how to use the Canadian Abridgment, the key resource for indexing and organizing Canadian case law.
Approximate duration: 30 minutes

Using CanLII
CanLII, the Canadian Legal Information Institute, is a not-for-profit organization which supports permanent open access to Canadian law.
Approximate duration: 15 minutes

Federal Legislation
How does a bill progress through the House of Commons? Where are federal laws published? Learn about the process of making and creating federal laws and regulations.
Approximate duration: 30 minutes

Ontario Legislation
How does a bill progress through the House of Commons? Where are federal laws published? Learn about the process of making and creating federal laws and regulations.
Approximate duration: 30 minutes

Legal Citations
Learn more about the citation formats required in Canadian Common Law, and figure out, once and for all, where those pesky commas should go.
Approximate duration: 45 minutes