
Are you bewildered when it comes to Boolean logic? Lost in laws? Confused about caselaw?

Congratulations! You've come to the right place! Welcome to the Principles of Legal Research website, created by knowledgeable staff at the Brian Dickson Law Library. Here you'll find a collection of learning modules designed to help you understand how to find all sorts of legal information quickly and easily.

Simply click on the following link for a list of 9 modules, on topics such as "Searching Using Keywords and Boolean Logic," "Federal Legislation," and "Caselaw and the Canadian Abridgment." Click on each one in turn for informative texts, screenshots that clearly show how to navigate websites and databases, as well as hands-on tests that let you evaluate what you've learned.

A link at the end of every page asks for your comments, so we at the library can make sure these pages fit your learning needs.

Thank you and happy learning!

Click here to access the list of modules