1. Introduction to Federal Legislation

2. Bills

3. Legislative Research

Federal Legislation – How a Bill becomes Law

In general, a bill becomes law if it has passed through the following stages of the legislative process:

  1. Introduction
  2. First Reading
  3. Second Reading
  4. Committee Stage
  5. Report Stage
  6. Third Reading
  7. Royal Assent

First Reading

A photo of Bill C-47.

Second Reading

Committee stage

EXAMPLE: Bill C-47 as printed at Committee Stage (House of Commons, June 6, 2007):

Example Bill C-47

Third Reading

EXAMPLE: Bill C-47 as passed by the House of Commons (June 14, 2007):

EXAMPLE: Bill C-47 as passed by the House of Commons (June 14, 2007)

Royal Assent

EXAMPLE: Bill C-47 Royal Assent version (June 22, 2007)(39th Parliament - 1st Session (April 3, 2006-September 14, 2007)) - note the assigned chapter number 25:

Example C-47 with assigned chapter number

EXAMPLE: An Act respecting the protection of marks related to the Olympic Games . . . Chapter 25 (Canada Gazette, Part III):

Example of an act respecting the protection marks.

Note the Short Title: Olympic and Paralympic Marks Act

EXAMPLE: Olympic and Paralympic Marks Act (Statutes of Canada, 2007):

From Department of Justice website : Olympic and Paralympic Marks Act

On the web: Department of Justice Canada: http://laws.justice.gc.ca

And in print: starts at SLR 4-1

Image of books - Statutes of Canada



Photo of Bill C-47.