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Your search for "Criminal law" returned the following 13 expert(s):
BACKHOUSE, Constance »

Full professor
Faculty of Law
Common Law
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (3307)
E-mail: backhous@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Office Telephone
Research information:
The history of Canadian law relating to sex discrimination, racism and class bias. The criminal justice system. Canadian human rights law.
Area(s) of expertise:
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Language preference:
English only
BOND, Jennifer »

Assistant professor
Faculty of Law
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (3314)
E-mail: jennifer.bond@uottawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
I research and write on the intersections between international criminal law and refugee law. A particular focus is use of the exclusion provision, which denies refugee status to individuals who are accused of committing criminal acts in their countries of origin.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English only
CAIRNS WAY, Rosemary »
Vice-Dean, Common Law Section
Associate professor
Faculty of Law
Common Law
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5793
E-mail: rmcairns@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Office Telephone
Research information:
Criminal law. Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Educational materials for Canadian judges dealing with social context issues.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English only
FOURNIER, Pascale »

Chaire de recherche sur le pluralisme juridique et le droit comparé
Associate professor
Faculty of Law
Civil Law
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 p.3083
E-mail: Pascale.Fournier@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Office Telephone
Research information:
Human rights; Islam and Judaism in Europe and North America; Children's human rights; Criminal law and cultural diversity; Comparative law of the family.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English and French
GILBERT, Daphne »

Assistant professor
Faculty of Law
Common Law
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (3306)
E-mail: daphne.gilbert@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
Criminal and constitutional law. Equality rights and freedom of expression (obscenity, pornography and child pornography laws). Comparative constitutional law and the export of Canadian jurisprudential principles to other countries. Criminal law with a focus on laws around sex crimes (polygamy, prostitution, sexual assault, incest, child abuse). Privacy, anonymity, identity in law. Feminism, gender and social justice. American/United States equality and freedom of expression laws.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Aboriginal legal issues
- Animal rights
- Constitutional law
- Criminal law
- Disability law
- Gender discrimination
- Health law
- Human rights
- Privacy
- Women and law
Language preference:
English only
KIRKUP, Kyle »
Assistant professor
Faculty of Law
Contact information:
E-mail: Kyle.Kirkup@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
Kyle Kirkup's research explores the role of public law, constitutional law, and criminal law in regulating contemporary norms of gender identity and sexuality. He has written about same-sex marriage, solitary confinement, transgender human rights issues, sex work, and the criminalization of HIV non-disclosure. Follow him on Twitter @kylekirkup.Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English only
MANIRAKIZA, Pacifique »
Associate professor
Faculty of Law
Common Law
Contact information:
Office: 6135625800 ex: 3300
Cell: 6137094698
Home: 8196845106
E-mail: Pacifique.Manirakiza@uottawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone, Office Telephone
Research information:
Expertise on International Criminal Courts (i.e. ICC), African Union issues, African human rights system; extractive industries in Africa; criminal law in Canada
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English and French , Kirundi, Kinyarwanda, Swahili
MAYEDA, Graham »
Associate professor
Faculty of Law
Common Law
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (2915)
E-mail: gmayeda@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Office Telephone
Research information:
My main fields of research involve international law as it affects developing countries (including international trade and investment law), criminal law, and legal theory (theories about what judges do). I have also written about philosophy and ethics.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Contemporary social thought
- Criminal law
- International law
- Moral philosophy
- Philosophy of law
- Political philosophy
Language preference:
English only
QUAID, Jennifer »
Assistant professor
Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section
Civil Law
Contact information:
Office: 6135625800 x3240
Cell: 6138641772
Home: 6134215466
E-mail: jquaid@uottawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
Prof. Quaid's research focuses on the issues raised by applying the criminal law to business and other organizations and is an expert on the 2004 "Westray" amendments. Outside of corporate criminal liability, she also comments on issues of general criminal law and criminal justice in Canada, as well as matters of corporate law, competition law and business regulation.
Area(s) of expertise:
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Language preference:
English and French

Full professor
Faculty of Law
Common Law
Contact information:
Home: 613-226-8130
E-mail: eratushn@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Office Telephone
Research information:
administration of justice including judiciary, constitutional law, administrative boards and tribunals, professional and amateur sports
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Administrative law
- Constitutional law
- Courts
- Criminal law
- Human rights
- Human rights
- International criminal court
- International relations
- Sports law
Language preference:
English only
Assistant professor
Faculty of Law
Common Law
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 3324
E-mail: rruparel@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
I specialize in issues of race and racism, both within and outside of legal systems. I also teach and research in the areas of torts and criminal law, particularly in the context of women and racialized communities.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Aboriginal criminality
- Aboriginal legal issues
- Criminal law
- Drugs
- Gender discrimination
- Police
- Race
- Racism
- Sentencing
- Torts
- Violence against women
- Women and law
Language preference:
English only
SHEEHY, Elizabeth »
Full professor
Faculty of Law
Common Law
Contact information:
Office: 562-5800 (3317)
Office: 562-5800 (5823)
E-mail: esheehy@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Office Telephone
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English only
Assistant professor
Faculty of Law, Common Law Section
Contact information:
E-mail: jvelloso@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
My research focuses on penal policies and use of mixed legal regimes in the governance of deviance and security. Domestically, I work on the uses of criminal law, immigration law and regulatory regimes in the control of protesters, immigration and street gangs. Internationally, I focus on criminal justice in adversarial and inquisitorial systems (more specifically in Brazil, France and Canada). I collaborate with Brazilian colleagues in the areas of politics, criminal justice, policing and security policies.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Alternatives to imprisonment
- Crime
- Criminal law
- Globalization
- History of the Canadian penal system
- Human rights
- Human rights
- Human rights
- Immigration
- Justice
- Latin America
- Philosophy of law
- Police
- Policy
- Sentencing
- Social norms
Language preference:
English and French , Portuguese
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Sub-categories for "Law"
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Aboriginal legal issues
- Abortion
- Administrative law
- Animal rights
- Child rights
- Civil (punitive) damages
- Competition law
- Constitutional law
- Contract law
- Corporate law
- Corporate social responsibility
- Courts
- Criminal law
- Disability law
- Domestic Environmental Law
- E-business
- Economic law
- Education Law
- Environmental law
- Ethics
- Family law
- Fetal rights
- Finance law
- Gender discrimination
- Health law
- Human rights
- Insurance law
- Intellectual property
- International law
- Internet law
- Labour law
- Medical law
- Privacy
- Property law
- Refugee law
- Sports law
- Taxation
- Technology law
- Torts
- War crimes
- Women and law
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