Legal Citations – Putting the Components of Case Citation Together

Here are the various components that may make up a case citation:

Style of Cause, (Year of Decision), Neutral Citation Core Citation Parallel Citation

  Style of Cause,
  • Italicize the style of cause.
(Year of Decision),
  • In general, only include the year of the decision in parentheses after the style of cause if the citation does not otherwise include the year.
Neutral Citation Year
  • Indicate the year of the decision as assigned by the court. Do not use parentheses.
Tribunal Identifier
  • Include both the jurisdiction and the court level, abbreviating the tribunal identification information.
Ordinal Number of the Decision,
  • A chronological number assigned by the court to each decision for the purposes of neutral citation. Followed by a comma.

Core Citation
(to a printed reporter)

[Year of Reporter]
  • Include the year of the reporter in square brackets if the reporter is organized by year (see McGill Guide, 3.7.1).
Volume Number
  • Indicate the volume of the reporter next if the reporter is organized by volume, including only the volume number (i.e. don't include the abbreviation "vol”).
  • Include the abbreviated name of the reporter. A list of printed case law reporters is included in APPENDIX C of the McGill Guide.
  • If the reporter has been published in more than one series, then include the series number in parentheses, abbreviating "2nd" and "3rd" to "2d” and "3d”, respectively. Do not use superscripted suffixes.
  • Indicate the first page of the judgment as printed in the reporter. Do not indicate the page range.
  • If necessary, pinpoint the page or paragraph being referred to. Paragraph pinpoints are preferred, and you should use the paragraph symbol "¶” or the abbreviation "para”.
Parallel Citation [Year of Reporter]
  • If the reporter is organized by year, then include the year of the reporter in square brackets (see McGill Guide, 3.7.1).
Volume Number
  • If the reporter is organized by volume (or if the reporter is organized by year AND volume), then include the volume directly following the year of the reporter. Only include the volume number (i.e. don't include the abbreviation "vol”).
  • Include the abbreviated name of the reporter. A list of printed case law reporters is included in APPENDIX C of the McGill Guide.
  • If the reporter has been published in more than one series, then include the series number in parentheses, abbreviating "2nd" and "3rd" to "2d” and "3d”, respectively. Do not use superscripted suffixes.
  • Indicate the first page of the judgment as printed in the reporter.
  • Depending on certain factors, include the court level and jurisdiction. This information is only needed if it is not otherwise included in or inferred by the citation.

NOTE: If there is no neutral citation, a second print reporter (or parallel) citation is required.

The following are some examples of case citations:

EXAMPLE 1: Neutral Citation Available

Example of a Neutral Citation.
  Neutral Citation
Style of Cause, (Year of Decision), Year Tribunal ID Ordinal #,
Beals v Saldanha,   2003 SCC 72,

Core Citation
[Year of Reporter] Vol # Reporter (Series) 1st Page Pinpoint
[2003] 3 SCR   416 at para 28,

Parallel Citation  
[Year of Reporter] Vol # Reporter (Series) 1st Page (Court).
  234 DLR (4th) 1.  

Beals v Saldanha, 2003 SCC 72, [2003] 3 SCR 416 at para 28, 234 DLR (4th) 1.

This example can be broken down into its components as follows:

Example pf a citation broken down into style of cause, neutral citation, core citation, pinpoint and parallel citation.

EXAMPLE 2: No Neutral Citation
R v Morgentaler, [1988] 1 SCR 30, 44 DLR (4th) 385.

  Neutral Citation Core Citation Parallel Citation
Style of Cause, Year   [Year of Reporter] [1988] [Year of Reporter]  
(Year of Decision) Tribunal ID   Vol# 1 Vol# 44
R  v Morgentaler, Ordinal #,   Reporter SCR Reporter DLR
  (Series)   (Series) (4th)
1st Page 30, 1st Page 385
Pinpoint   (Court).  

R v Morgentaler, [1988] 1 SCR 30, 44 DLR (4th) 385.

This example can be broken down into its components as follows:

Example of a citation broken down into its components.

EXAMPLE 3: Year of Decision Required
Thwaites v Ryan (1983), [1984] VR 65 (SC).

  Neutral Citation
Style of Cause, (Year of Decision), Year Tribunal ID Ordinal #,
Thwaites v Ryan (1983),      

Core Citation
[Year of Reporter] Vol # Reporter (Series) 1st Page Pinpoint
[1984]   VR   65  

Parallel Citation  
[Year of Reporter] Vol # Reporter (Series) 1st Page (Court).

Thwaites v Ryan (1983), [1984] VR 65 (SC).

This example can be broken down into its components as follows:

Example of a citation broken down into its components.

Thwaites v Ryan (1983), [1984] VR 65 (SC).