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Your search for "Global Warming" returned the following 3 expert(s):

ALTOSAAR, Illimar »

Illimar Altosaar

Full professor
Faculty of Medicine
Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology

Contact information:

Office: 6135625800 x 6371
Office: 6135625800 x 6375
Cell: 613 804 1885
Home: 613 518 7767

Preferred method of contact:


Research information:

New breeding techniques to fight global warming through climate-smart crops. Climate change, Greenhouse Gases, GHG, Global warming, carbon dioxide, CO2, Nitrous oxide, N2O, bioremediation, biotechnology, soil metagenome, soil microbiome, biodiversity, gene amplification, soil biocatalysts, Atmospheric phytoremediation, Pseudomonas nautica, Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus, nosZ gene operon, Nitrous Oxide reductase enzyme, fertilizer, Nitrogen cycle, nitrate run-off,

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French , Estonian Greek German

DAWSON, Jackie »

Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society and Policy
Associate professor
Faculty of Arts

Contact information:

Cell: 8184523459

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Cell Telephone

Research information:

Dr Dawson's expertise is on the human and policy dimensions of environmental change with a strong focus on the implications of climate change and economic development for the Arctic shipping and tourism sectors. She leads several projects examining Arctic shipping trends, marine shipping governance and policy, climate change impacts and adaptation, and local marine use and transportation needs. She works closely with coastal communities in Arctic Canada, shipping industry stakeholders, and government departments involved in the Arctic marine transportation sector. You can find out more about her research and her research lab at www.espg.ca

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English only


Visiting professor
Faculty of Social Sciences

Contact information:


Preferred method of contact:


Research information:

Research interests: climate change adaptation in developing countries; climate, food, and water security; risk and resilience; advanced statistical methods

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English only

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