Search Results

Your search for "Macroeconomics" returned the following 4 expert(s):


Serge Coulombe

Full professor (retired)
Faculty of Social Sciences

Contact information:

Cell: 819-743-3587

Preferred method of contact:

Cell Telephone

Research information:

Serge Coulombe is Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa, his base since 1982.  He is well-known, in Canada, and internationally, for his research on regional disparity, human capital, and the Dutch Disease. His research on human capital has been reviewed by the British review The Economist.  In 2009, he won the University of Ottawa President’s Award for Media Relations. He authored the article on the Canadian Economy for Encyclopædia Universalis in 2020.  

His areas of expertise include:

  • Fiscal and Monetary Policy
  • Inflation
  • Human Capital
  • Regional Development

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French

CRÉCHET, Jonathan »

Assistant professor
Faculty of Social Sciences

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800 ext 1689

Preferred method of contact:


Area(s) of expertise:

(View other experts in this field)

Language preference:

English and French

LEBLOND, Patrick »

Patrick Leblond

Associate Professor
Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800 (2953)
Cell: 613-263-9824

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Cell Telephone, Office Telephone

Research information:

Owing to my training and experience in business, economics and international relations, my expertise concerns questions relating to global economic governance, more specifically those that deal with international money and finance, international economic integration as well as business-government relations. My regional expertise focuses on Europe and North America, though I am also interested in China's impact on the world economy.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French


Full professor
Faculty of Social Sciences

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800 (1691)
Home: 613-225-4901

Preferred method s of contact:

Home Telephone, Office Telephone

Research information:

My main fields of research interest are in the areas of economic policy. These include central bank policy, fiscal policy, and related macroeconomic policies that impact on the Canadian labour market.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French , italien/Italian

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