Search Results

Your search for "Contract law" returned the following 4 expert(s):

DAIMSIS, Anthony »

Anthony Daimsis

Faculty of Law, Common Law Section
Common Law

Contact information:

Office: 613-562-5800 (3211)

Preferred method of contact:


Research information:


International commercial arbitration and investor state arbitration (NAFTA ch. 11 & ICSID) / Mediation/ Contracts (generally)/Public Procurement/cross border internet transactions/International Sales Law (transaction b/t businesses located in different countries)

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English and French


Full professor
Faculty of Law, Common Law Section

Contact information:

Office: 613 562 5800 (7742)
Cell: 613 286 9966

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Cell Telephone, Office Telephone

Research information:

My interest is in examining how intellectual property rights or legal frameworks for governance and protection of knowledge have diverse impacts on many spheres, including but not limited to agriculture, food security, biotechnology, biodiversity conservation, biosafety, human rights (access to health, education and benefits of technology/scientific advancements, etc). I am also concerned with the nature of interaction or impact that intellectual property rights have in regard to developmental aspirations of marginalized peoples, especially indigenous and local communities across the globe. Most of my work focus on mapping and understanding the interface of intellectual property and development. I also work within the broader international political relations of power between Africa, indeed, the global south and the global north.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English only, Igbo

PAVLOVIC, Marina »

Associate professor
Faculty of Law, Common Law Section
Common Law

Contact information:

Office: (613) 562-5800, 2675

Preferred method s of contact:

E-mail, Office Telephone

Research information:

consumer protection, air passenger rights, access to justice, telecommunications, technology regulation and policy, contracts, alternative dispute resolution (negotiation, mediation, arbitration), private international law (conflict of laws)

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English only


Full professor
Faculty of Law, Common Law Section
Common Law

Contact information:

Office: 613 562 5800 ext. 3312

Preferred method of contact:


Research information:

The main focus of my research is international investment law including investor-state dispute settlement. I am also interested in domestic policy on foreign investment.

Area(s) of expertise:

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Language preference:

English only