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Your search for "Human rights" returned the following 8 expert(s):
AREL, Dominique »
Chairholder, Chair of Ukrainian Studies
Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (1713)
E-mail: darel@uottawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Office Telephone
Research information:
His research interests include political Violence and Human Rights, language politics, nationalism, and the politics of memory, politics in East Central Europe, Eurasia and Ukraine, and the politics of the census.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
Language preference:
English and French
DORAN, Marie-Christine »

Assistant professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Political Studies
Contact information:
E-mail: mcdoran@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
I work on the evolution of democracy and governance in Latin America. Themes such as : political changes (turn to the left), violence, justice and human rights, poverty, socio-political and religious movements, political legitimacy, as well as Latin America's relation with other parts of the world are my main areas.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Constitution
- Courts
- Democracy and democratization
- Geopolitics
- Globalization
- Human rights
- Human rights
- International criminal court
- International development
- International law
- International law
- International political economy
- Justice
- Political ideology
- Political ideology
- Political theory
- Political violence
- Poverty
- Social change
- Social politics
- Social trends
- Terrorism
- Torture
- Trade/free trade
- Violence
Language preference:
English and French , Espagnol
EL KADRI, Nour »
Part-time professor
Telfer School of Management
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 ext 2170
Cell: 613-240-3181
E-mail: nelkadri@uottawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Artificial intelligence
- Competitive intelligence
- Corporate governance
- Corporate Social Responsibly
- Data mining
- Data security
- E-learning
- Federalism
- Foreign Policy
- Globalization
- Human rights
- International political economy
- International relations
- Labour relations
- Machine learning
- Management information systems
- Middle East
- Municipal politics
- Ontario politics
- Process optimization
- Quebec politics
- Software engineering
- Telecommunications
- Wireless communications
Language preference:
English only, Arabic
KEMPA, Michael »

Department of Criminology
Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (2572)
Cell: 437-974-3893
E-mail: mkempa@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Office Telephone
Research information:
I am interested in all aspects of human security. In particular, I focus upon the role of public and private policing agencies in shaping collective order. I am interested in the powers, culture and accountability of public and private policing agencies. Looking at trends in policing tells us a lot about current directions in politics and economics at home and abroad.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Community policing
- Human rights
- International criminality
- Justice
- Police
- Political violence
- Poverty
- Social change
- Social politics
- Social trends
- Terrorism
Language preference:
English and French
PACKER, John »
Director, Human Rights Research and Education Centre
Associate professor
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (3462)
Cell: 613-854-6889
E-mail: jpacker@uottawa.ca
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone, Office Telephone
Research information:
International protection of human rights, minorities, inter-ethnic relations and diversity management, conflict, mediation, comparative constitutional law and design.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Balkans
- Constitution
- Constitutional law
- Human rights
- Human rights
- Human rights
- International human rights law
- International humanitarian law
- International law
- International law
- War crimes
Language preference:
English and French

Associate professor
Faculty of Medicine
Institute of Population Health
Contact information:
Office: 613-562 5800 (2289)
Cell: 613-612-8485
Home: 613-233-6541
E-mail: tschrecker@sympatico.ca or tschrecker@gmail.com
Preferred method s of contact:
E-mail, Cell Telephone, Office Telephone
Research information:
My current research focuses on the relations between transnational economic integration ("globalization") and social determinants of health: the conditions under which people live and work. How is the emergence of a global marketplace affecting opportunities to lead a healthy life? Who wins, and who loses? How will the worldwide financial crisis we are now experiencing affect health disparities between rich and poor?
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Environmental law
- Ethics
- Ethics in international affairs
- Foreign aid
- Globalization
- Health economics
- Health policy
- Human rights
- International development and globalization
- International health
- International political economy
- Liberalism
- Political economy
- Poverty
Language preference:
English only
STEEVES, Valerie »

Full professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Contact information:
Office: 613-562-5800 (1793)
E-mail: vsteeves@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
My main area of research involves technology and human rights issues, including privacy, surveillance and children’s use of networked technologies. I also do work on representations of violence and gender in film, television and video games.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Communications and technology
- Gender in information and communications technologies
- Human rights
- Violence
Language preference:
English only
Assistant professor
Faculty of Law, Common Law Section
Contact information:
E-mail: jvelloso@uOttawa.ca
Preferred method of contact:
Research information:
My research focuses on penal policies and use of mixed legal regimes in the governance of deviance and security. Domestically, I work on the uses of criminal law, immigration law and regulatory regimes in the control of protesters, immigration and street gangs. Internationally, I focus on criminal justice in adversarial and inquisitorial systems (more specifically in Brazil, France and Canada). I collaborate with Brazilian colleagues in the areas of politics, criminal justice, policing and security policies.
Area(s) of expertise:
(View other experts in this field)
- Alternatives to imprisonment
- Crime
- Criminal law
- Globalization
- History of the Canadian penal system
- Human rights
- Human rights
- Human rights
- Immigration
- Justice
- Latin America
- Philosophy of law
- Police
- Policy
- Sentencing
- Social norms
Language preference:
English and French , Portuguese
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Sub-categories for "Criminology"
- Aboriginal criminality
- Alternatives to imprisonment
- Capital punishment
- Community policing
- Consequences of imprisonment
- Crime
- Crime in Canada
- Crime prevention
- Dangerous offenders
- Detention
- Drugs
- Gangs
- Guns
- Hate crimes
- History of the Canadian penal system
- Human rights
- International criminality
- Justice
- Police
- Policy
- Political violence
- Poverty
- Prison
- Prison tourism
- Prison writing
- Prostitution, sexual exploitation
- School violence
- Sentencing
- Social politics
- Social services
- State violence
- Terrorism
- Torture
- Violence
- Violence against women
- Young offenders
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