Contact Information
Centre for Global and Community Engagement - In the Service of Others
Tabaret Hall
550 Cumberland
Room 304
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1N 6N5

Tel.: 613-562-5800 ext. 5945
Fax: 613-562-5285

CGCE > Professors > More about CSL

Professors – I Want to Know More about CSL

Are you trying to encourage social engagement and a heightened sense of shared responsibility among students? Would you like your students to have the opportunity to work for a not-for-profit organization? Or on a project geared at building social capital or demonstrating social responsibility?

The potential of CSL is limited only by need, imagination and innovation. It can apply to courses in any discipline.

This program allows you to demonstrate the 'real-life' relevance of what you teach while providing important services to some of society's most vulnerable and needy. Bodies such as the National Service Learning Clearing House and Campus Compact have generated numerous studies demonstrating that CSL can lead students to a better understanding of course concepts through their application to a 'real-life' setting, and produce greater course satisfaction.

We encourage you to reflect upon the broader goals of your course and to consider how CSL can help in achieving them.

After registering as a CSL professor (creating an account) you can login to submit any number of your courses to CSL. Once you have submitted a course, a member of the Experiential Learning Service (ELS) team will contact you to work out the details of finding volunteer placements for your students. An ELS staff member can also assist you with developing evaluation criteria for your students and incorporating CSL into your course(s).

If you are not currently teaching a course into which you think CSL can be easily incorporated, you may want to consider creating a CSL course using a directed studies approach. A member of the ELS team can assist you with this type of implementation.

Click here for professor account tutorial video...

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Last updated: December 10, 2010 - 08:53:19