Contact Information
Centre for Global and Community Engagement - In the Service of Others
Tabaret Hall
550 Cumberland
Room 304
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1N 6N5

Tel.: 613-562-5800 ext. 5945
Fax: 613-562-5285

CGCE > Professors > Timetable and Process

Professors – CSL Timetable and Process

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Here is the typical course of action for the inclusion of CSL into one or more of your courses:

  • You create your CSL Professor Account (this only needs to be done once).
  • By logging in to your account, you click on « Add a Course » and fill out the short form intended to give the ELS office information regarding your course.
  • The ELS office will contact you to discuss your needs, preferences and expectations, as well as to decide on a date for a short class presentation.
  • Depending on what was decided, the ELS office contacts all its community partners to generate volunteer opportunities.
  • The ELS office submits to you all relevant volunteer opportunities via your online ELS account (you will receive a notification email each time new placements are submitted to your approval).
  • You review the different placements and “approve” or “reject” each one in accordance with your course expectations and objectives (note: your students will only be allowed to apply for placements you have approved for each course).
  • On the date that was agreed upon – usually during the first or second week of classes - a member of the ELS office comes to your class to give students a brief overview of Community Service Learning, and how to apply for volunteer placements.
  • Students apply for volunteer placements online. Placements are awarded on a first come, first served, basis.
  • Students complete a total of 30 hours of volunteering with only one organization over the course of the semester, and keep track of their volunteer hours on the CSL Student Log Sheet.
  • The ELS office keeps in touch with students over the course of the semester, and takes care of any problem that may arise.
  • Students hand in to you whatever CSL assignment has been determined by you for grading.
  • The ELS office asks students to bring in their completed Log Sheets at the end of the semester. After inputting their volunteer hours in each student’s ELS account, the ELS office forwards the log sheets to you so that you can verify that the volunteer hours have been completed.
  • The ELS office contacts all community supervisors to ask them to evaluate the volunteer services provided by each student. The results of these evaluations are made available only to you in your Professor account.
  • Upon request, the ELS office provides students with a copy of their personalized Co-Curricular Record.

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Last updated: December 10, 2010 - 08:53:19