Record amount raised for United Way

Although the 2005 University of Ottawa United Way Campaign did not meet its $358,000 goal, a record amount of $351,137 was raised for community agencies in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec.

Collectively, the retirees made the largest contribution with donations totalling more than $40,200. Among faculties, Social Sciences had the largest campaign raising a total of $30,920, which represented a 23 per cent increase over the amount it collected last year. Central Administration had the largest total among services, raising $24,879 with a 96 per cent participation rate.

Some units surpassed their goal by a large amount, including Financial Services, which achieved 221 per cent of its objective and the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies with 158 per cent.

One notable aspect of the campaign is that fewer people took part, while giving a larger amount overall. While the participation rate in several units hovered around 100 per cent, the participation rate University-wide was only 59 per cent, below the level of previous years. Meanwhile, the number of leaders (donations of $1,000 or more) grew significantly from 83 to 97.

As in past years, the campaign benefited from the support of several sponsors, to whom the organizing committee offers its heartfelt thanks. Among them are the National Arts Centre and the Ottawa Senators (courtesy tickets); Mary Kay, the University bookstore, the Alumni Relations Office, and the Marketing Service (various gifts and prizes); Brian Design Graphics, St. Joseph Communications, GroupeRGDesign and Sotek Graphic (graphic design and printing); Chartwell’s, and the Conventions and Reservations Service (catering); and Protection Services (campaign launch and Hubert Reiter Award).

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Detailed campaign results