Developing medicine career paths

The Senate has approved a new policy to develop faculty career paths for the Faculty of Medicine.In presenting the report entitled “Valuing our Future”, Dr. Rose Goldstein, chair of the task force on faculty career paths, explained that faculty members have a critical role to play in many areas. These include training physicians and surgeons, linking to the medical community, making discoveries, promoting wellness, healing the sick, and ensuring the day-to-day running of the institutions in which these activities take place.“Much of what our faculty members do occurs in the context of complex and loosely defined systems and the Faculty career paths give structure to what has largely been unsaid or informal,” says Dr. Goldstein, who is associate dean, professional affairs for the Faculty.

The full report of task force can be found on the Faculty Web site.

E-curriculum wins technology award

The Faculty of Medicine’s E-curriculum initiative has won the 2003 Award for Excellence in Teaching with Technology from the Office for Partnerships for Advanced Skills (OPAS). The award recognizes university faculty at Ontario universities who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in using technology to enhance and improve their teaching. It was given to the Faculty at a special ceremony in Toronto on October 17. Dr. Gordon Wallace, director of MedEd, accepted the award on behalf of the Faculty.OPAS is a partnership of Ontario universities and leading Canadian companies dedicated to advancing organizational and individual learning.

Other article in French:

Prix d'excellence : présentez une candidature