Canada Corps program to mobilize students

Two new international programs have been launched that will allow Canadian university students to gain valuable experience applying their skills and knowledge abroad, mainly in the developing world.

The Canada Corps Student Internships will consist of 100 four-month internships aimed at senior-level student (third and fourth year undergraduates through PhD students) with an enthusiasm and commitment to global change. The first internships will begin next summer.

The Canada Corps University Teams program will see 10 university teams travel to developing countries to provide advice and expertise for projects that support good governance and democratic development. Each team, involving a faculty member and a minimum of three students, will receive $50,000 in funding. The first teams will be in the field at the beginning of 2006.

The programs, developed and administered by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, will receive $2 million over 18 months from the Canadian International Development Agency. They are pilot programs, and could be expanded in the future.

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