‘Energy Ambassadors’ can earn recognition

Undergraduate post-secondary students in all disciplines, who have academic projects regarding energy efficiency or reduced energy use, can enter the Energy Ambassadors student competition, sponsored by the Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE) of Natural Resources Canada.
The competition aims to increase awareness of ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. “It could be a completely new idea, or maybe just a new twist on an old idea,” says OEE spokesperson Colleen Paton. “The key is that the project has to have an energy-efficiency angle.”

Each winner or winning team will receive a cheque for $1,000. Energy Ambassadors will also be invited to present their project at Canada's Energy Efficiency Awards event, in Ottawa.

To find out more, go to and click on ‘Awards’ in the left-side menu. The deadline for submissions is January 16, 2005.