Centre will focus on prevention and treatment of obesity

Obesity is affecting more and more Canadians in all age brackets.

Now three researchers in the Faculty of Health Sciences:, Éric Doucet, Chris Blanchard, and Pascal Imbeault, are putting their efforts into the fight against obesity by creating the Behavioural and Metabolic Research Unit (BMRU).

The BMRU is the first unit of its kind in the Ottawa region. It combines state-of-the-art research methodology and techniques with the knowledge of scientists who are simultaneously focusing on the fundamental, clinical and behavioural aspects of the problem. The BMRU is also expected to provide training for students, health professionals and scientists alike.

Funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation ($595,000) and by the Ontario Innovation Trust ($425,000), the BMRU is located at Montfort Hospital. Although Montfort's doctors and other health professionals have long been involved in various areas of health research, this project is the first in which the principal investigators are working on site at Montfort with all the necessary research equipment at their disposal.

“Our privileged partnership with the University of Ottawa has made it possible to take this first step in building the Montfort Research Institute on Minority Population Health,” added Gérald Savoie, president and CEO of the Montfort. “Two other projects involving the University's Faculty of Health Sciences are already underway at Montfort.”