Carole Workman, vice-rector of resources, received a minute-long standing ovation from 1,200 support staff at the 2004 Founders’ Breakfast on May 4 in recognition of her contribution to the University of Ottawa.
The spontaneous response came after Rector Gilles Patry praised Workman as “the architect of many of the University’s greatest achievements over the past 12 years.”
Workman will be leaving the post that she has held since 1992 on July 1.
During her tenure, she oversaw a major growth of the University’s budget and presided over an unprecedented era of construction on campus, as she deftly navigated her way through a maze of ever-changing government policies on university financing while preserving the institution’s financial stability.
One of her major coups came last year when she managed a $150-million bond issue for the University. Last month, New York-based Moody’s Investors Service renewed its Aa2 rating for the issue, noting the University’s financial strength and operating surplus.
Workman, who co-emceed the breakfast with Vice-Rector David Mitchell, was noticeably moved by the unexpected tribute and later thanked audience members.
United Way representatives were on hand to thank support staff for their contribution to the 2003 University of Ottawa United Way Campaign, which raised a record $329,973 with a 76.8 per cent participation rate among employees.