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Ogilvy Renault donates $500,000 to the Faculty of Law

Micheline Laflamme

The Faculty of Law has outgrown its space in Fauteux Hall. In response to this need for larger premises, Canada’s largest law faculty has developed an expansion plan. This plan is being supported by Ogilvy Renault, the first law firm to offer financial support for the project.

Grant Jameson, Managing Partner of Ogilvy Renault’s Ottawa office, announced that the firm will donate $500,000 to the planned expansion of the Faculty’s current home. An addition to the Faculty’s current home will be built to face out onto King Edward Avenue. Announcement of the donation was made on September 24, 2008, in the Tsampalieros Atrium.

“What better way to ensure a sound legal education than to make a contribution to one of Canada’s great law schools,” said Mr. Jameson, himself a graduate of uOttawa’s Faculty of Law. He praised the Faculty for teaching common law and civil together under one roof. “Ogilvy Renault is rooted in the dual legal system,” he explained to students, who had gathered in great numbers in the Atrium.

In recognition of this gift, the Faculty of Law will name the round room of the new addition the “Ogilvy Renault Round Room.” This room, to be equipped with state-of-the-art technology, will be the focal point of the five-storey building. The room was designed to encourage interaction and will draw government officials, community organizations and researchers seeking a venue that allows maximum dialogue among participants.

“Ogilvy Renault is a Canadian law firm with a reputation for excellence and has contributed to the country’s growth for over 100 years,” said Nathalie Des Rosiers, Dean of the Civil Law Section. “We are very proud and excited to celebrate Ogilvy Renault’s contribution and appreciate the generosity shown by the firm’s lawyers.”

Marc Jolicoeur, Chair of the Board of Governors, says that the donation will help with the continued expansion of Canada’s University. “Donors are essential to the development of the University of Ottawa. They provide us with the means to move ahead, act on our vision and constantly improve on what we do,” said Mr. Jolicoeur.

Work is expected to begin over the next few years.