In the NewsIN THE NEWS

Rock Talk Unplugged

  Rock Talk

President Allan Rock addressed students in the University’s Agora on October 24, for the first of what he hopes will be an ongoing series of informal meetings. He emphasized his desire to focus on “improving the quality of the student experience,” introducing more user-friendly programs and application forms, and examining “the big questions” of how to commercialize research and how to reflect the generosity of donors.

He also spoke of a project he dubbed “Canada’s University in the Service of the World,” a plan he hopes will build an ethic of service into the identity of the University and offer opportunities to students who want to serve their own communities or others in the world. “We will go beyond what is being done at other campuses,” he said, “and create a Service Office to create citizens of the world and enable students to turn idealism into action. The service program,” he said, “would create a unique signature for our university. We would become a place of scholarship and of social purpose, while enhancing the student experience.”

Listen to the speech online: and check out the “Rock Talk” blog: