Team Spirit: Project Management Sector, Physical Resources Service

If you ever wonder how a new classroom is designed, or the effort that goes into integrating changes in technology into the workplace, or how your office furniture is purchased, look no further than the Project Management Sector of the Physical Resources Service.

This 16-member team uses both internal and external resources to conduct an array of projects whose nature, technical complexity and financial scope vary tremendously. They also play an important role in creating a functional and pleasant work environment.

The team, which includes architects, interior designers and mechanical/electrical experts, was nominated for the President’s Award for Service Excellence, a testimony to the high level of appreciation of those who have used their services.

“They have enabled me to keep informed of new and acceptable classroom standards, new equipment and endless possibilities that are available on the market to make classrooms suitable for higher education and research,” writes Pauline Bélanger, Manager of Registration, Records, Scheduling and Exams.

France Renaud, Chief Administrative Officer of the Faculty of Health Sciences, knows her projects are in good hands with the Project Management Team. “The team members keep us up-to-date on the evolution of the project and any problems they are running into. They understand our reality and know the importance of recognizing deadlines and keeping within budget,” she writes.

Under the direction of Raymond Michon, the Project Management Sector team members are as follows: André Beaudry, Richard Bérubé, France Brazeau, Kevin Casey, Nathalie Charron, Martin Faubert, Nathalie Gendron, Richard Hould, Paul Lagacé, Dianne Lalonde, Rémi Lemieux, Manon Lévesque, Geneviève Quesnel, Linda Rheault and Harb Singh.