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Two-minute interview - Gina Vilsaint

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  Gina Vilsaint
Gina Vilsaint, Marketing Officer, Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute

What is your most important function at the University and why?

I have the enjoyable challenge of promoting bilingualism on many levels – on a local, national and international scale – which corresponds to the first of eight goals listed in Vision 2010, the University’s strategic plan.

What is it about your job that inspires you most?

The passion my colleagues have for their work and their sense of belonging. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for such a warm welcome. I also have the privilege of being part of the shaping of OLBI (Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute), which carries on the important role that the Second Languages Institute held for several years. There are many excellent projects in sight . . . you haven’t heard the last of us!

What was the proudest moment of your life?

Personally speaking, I’m proud that I chose to leave Montreal to come to live in such a beautiful region. Professionally speaking, I’m very proud of my range of experience in management, sales, promotions and planning, which now allows me to live a great experience at the University.

What would you change in the world today if you could?

Indifference towards others. It’s often easier to close your eyes than to smile. There’s a lot of suffering and poverty of soul around us. A simple smile can save a life!

What would you do if you won a million dollars?

I would invest in our youth. They have a thirst for everything and often don’t know where to go. Material possessions don’t always bring happiness!

In your opinion, what is the most important quality?

Wisdom and integrity. Being true to yourself is more important than appearances!