Making the global connection

The University of Ottawa has a long history of internationalization, including the work of the former International Cooperation Office and the many individual faculty and school efforts to offer an international experience. Combined with international development projects and international research conducted by uOttawa faculty and graduate students, the groundwork has been laid for the continued efforts in internationalization taking place today across the University.

As one of Canada’s top research-intensive institutions, international research and international development activities are the foundation of the University’s strategic partnerships with academic and non-governmental organizations worldwide.

Guided by Vision 2010, the Office of International Research is dedicated to putting the University of Ottawa’s international research and development projects even more prominently “on the map.”

“Partnership in research and innovation, particularly in the context of international development, offers the prospect of increasing human understanding and solidarity while addressing common challenges that we all face as inhabitants of this fragile planet,” says Mona Nemer, vice-president, Research. “At the Office of International Research, we endeavour to facilitate this approach to knowledge generation and knowledge sharing.”

“Our job is to build effective international collaborative projects in partnership with our faculties and our first-class researchers,” adds Hamid Jorjani, director of the Office of International Research.

International Development

With International Development Week fresh in the mind of Hamid Jorjani, he is keen to highlight some of the University’s international development projects.

He points to the Faculty of Medicine and the School of Nursing, which are currently developing a partnership with the Tropical Institute of Community Health in Kisumu, Kenya, to improve training and community-based research capacity to enhance health policy and community practice.

Given its location in the National Capital Region, the University places a high priority on themes related to Canada’s place in the world and responding to global challenges. The Faculty of Law’s current partnership with Genivar, a Canadian private sector consulting engineering firm, in a $6-million project to support the justice system in Mali, is an example of how the University is responding to the challenge.

The University’s stellar reputation in distance education and computer-assisted learning has attracted the attention of the African Virtual University (AVU).  “AVU is seeking assistance from our Teaching and Learning Support Service to establish an administrative and pedagogical structure to engage professors and their students in a successful distance learning environment,” says Jorjani.

The University has also hosted a number of African researchers under the sponsorship of the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie. This program provides an opportunity for scientists to collaborate in fields such as biology, chemistry and mathematics, creating an excellent environment for long-term mentorship and partnership building.

International research

International research also relies on strong partnerships and the sharing of knowledge on the latest theories and practices that can impact the health and welfare of people throughout the world. The University’s researchers are at the forefront of research innovation.

The following are some examples of how uOttawa researchers are covering the globe:

•    Professor Michael Rudnicki’s work on genome and embryonic stem cell research involves a Canadian-led international research effort with some 30 investigators in 18 institutions and seven countries;

•    Professor May Griffith’s collaboration with researchers in Europe and Asia resulted in the development of the first functional human corneal tissue equivalent; and

•    Professor Illimar Altosaar has worked extensively with international researchers in Africa, Asia and Europe on his cutting-edge research in crop genetics.

 “Through our research, we are trying to bring in new perspectives and approaches to problem-solving in today’s global environment,” says Jorjani.

For more information on the University’s ground-breaking international research, contact Hamid Jorjani.

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Office of International Research