Union certification applications

The University has received the Ontario Labour Relations Board’s notice of decision on the certification application that the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) filed in January 2007 to represent support staff employed in positions dealing with information technology. (See Gazette 08/03/07.) The Board has decided that PIPSC will represent the information technology group.

The University respects the decision of the Board and will work with PIPSC to determine the final bargaining unit and negotiate the first collective agreement.

The Board must now determine if the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation’s application for certification to represent support staff other than the information technology group is based on a sufficient number of signed cards  (certification requires that 40 per cent of members targeted by the certification sign cards in support of the OSSTF application).

Once the Ontario Labour Relations Board renders its decision on this application, and if a sufficient number of cards were signed, the Board will proceed to count the support staff votes cast on February 27.

More details will be available in the Gazette once the Board has completed its deliberations.