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Two-minute interview - Kristin Baetz

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  Kristin Baetz
Kristin Baetz, assistant professor, Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology

What is your most important function at the University, and why?

The most important function I have is mentoring my graduate students. My goal is to ensure that all my students produce successful projects and high-impact publications that will allow them to pursue any career option, academic or non-academic.  

What is it about your job that inspires you most?

I love coming to work every day to see the new discoveries and results my research team has generated. My research allows me to think both analytically and creatively.

How did you come to your area of research?

When I was in high school, I had a great job as an “exotic” media maker for a yeast lab at the University of Toronto. That job introduced me to the use of model organisms, such as brewer’s yeast, as a powerful medical research tool. What could be a better combination than beer and research!

What was your life’s proudest moment?

My proudest moment was the birth of my son – he is my greatest genomics experiment!

What is your greatest hope for the future?

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, one in three people will get cancer during their lifetime. I would love to see a cure for cancer, or at least to see cancer become a manageable disease so all patients can live long, high-quality lives. I hope my research will contribute in some small way to achieving this goal.