University Research Chairs named

Four new University Research Chairs were named to recognize outstanding accomplishments by uOttawa professors.

Louis Barriault (Chemistry) is undertaking studies toward the synthesis of the complex natural product Garsubellin A and related analogs, with the hopes of discovering new therapeutic agents for Alzheimer’s disease.

Michael Behiels (History) is investigating the extent to which changes in the Canadian Federal Constitution and practice of governance since the 1940s have ensured that Canada’s institutions and political and community leaders were able to respond to the needs of an increasingly diverse and decentralized society.

Glen Kenny (Human Kinetics) is examining the thermoregulatory response associated with physical work performed in adverse environments.

David Moher (CHEO Research Institute) is addressing the fundamental potential for bias involved in the science of conducting systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials.

There are now 20 Research Chairs at the University of Ottawa.

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University Research Chairs