Exploratory walk seeks to identify risks

Nathalie Jacob gives instructions in preparation for exploratory walk  
Walk participants listen as Protection Services' Nathalie Jacob (standing) gives instructions on procedures and ways to identify risk factors.
On February 8, 2006, approximately 20 people participated in an exploratory walk of the campus organized by Protection Services to identify areas perceived as risky or insecure.

Armed with a map of the campus, participants were split into three groups and asked to evaluate specific areas and give their impressions on such aspects as lighting, parking lots, bus stops, areas where a person may be susceptible to an aggression, traffic, and means of seeking help when in danger.

Each team included a least one member of Protection Services. An Ottawa Police officer also participated in the walk. The majority of uOttawa Protection Services officers have advanced training in crime prevention through environmental design. According to Nathalie Jacob, co-ordinator of prevention programs, such training allows officers to recommend pertinent and long-term solutions to security concerns on campus.

  Team surveys campus area
A team surveys a pathway near the Brooks Residence to identify potential risks for users of that route. At the front are Protection Services constables Joanne Lafontaine and Luc Nadon, accompanied by Ottawa Police Officer, Dan Thompson, student Sandrine Paulo and Physical Resources Service employee Mario Jacob.

The area that participants felt most needed attention was lighting. For example, a defective lamp standard, a dark path, or areas that could be used as potential hiding spots by individuals with malicious intent. The recommendations stemming from the exploratory walk will be forwarded to concerned services to take corrective action.

The Roger-Guindon campus was evaluated last winter. It will be re-evaluated once ongoing construction projects are complete.