Dr. Mahmoud Eid is an Associate Professor at the Department of Communication, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Eid previously taught in the University of Regina's School of Journalism in Regina, Saskatchewan, and in Carleton University's School of Journalism and Communication in Ottawa, Ontario. His professional expertise lies in quantitative and qualitative research regarding the effects of mass media and social development. His teaching experience, research interests, and publications concentrate on international communication, media ethics, communication research methods, terrorism, crisis management and conflict resolution, modernity, and the political economy of communication.
Dr. Eid is the editor of the Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition. He is the author of Interweavement: International Media Ethics and Rational Decision-Making (2008), editor of Research Methods in Communication (2011) and Communication and Media Studies: An Introduction (2010), and co-editor of The Right to Communicate: Historical Hopes, Global Debates and Future Premises (2009). He serves on the editorial boards of several academic journals, and as an organizing committee member for various international conferences. Dr. Eid has presented numerous papers at global conferences and has contributed chapters to several books published by Hampton Press, Pearson, Peter Lang, Oxford University Press, Kendall/Hunt, and Rowman & Littlefield,among others. In addition, he has published articles in various journals including The Journal of International Communication, The European Journal of Communication Research, International Journal of the Humanities, First Monday, INFORMATION, Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications, Corporate Ownership and Control, Journalism Ethics for the Global Citizen, International Journal of Technoethics, and Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication.