Orsini, Michael

Michael Orsini

Professeur titulaire
Faculté des sciences sociales
Études politiques

Coordonnées :

Tél. bureau : 613-562-5800
Courriel :
Site web

Modes de communication préféré :

Tél. bureau

Renseignements sur la recherche :

I am a political scientist who is interested in health and disability politics and health policy. I have specific interests in how citizens can affect health policy issues. I am especially interested in condiitions that affect marginalized communities, such as HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C., I am currently completing a SSHRC-funded project on ableism in social movements. My non-health related interests include methods of citizen engagement and citizen participation, the role of the voluntary sector, and the influence of interest groups and social movements.

Domaine(s) de spécialisation :

Langues :

Français et anglais


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