uOttawa News

Media Releases and Announcements

Dr. Antoine Hakim inducted into Canadian Medical Hall of Fame

OTTAWA, October 18, 2012  —  Every year, the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame elevates a select few of our country’s most brilliant minds to laureate status. Laureates are those who have pushed the boundaries of discovery and innovation beyond the realm of possibility to make the world a better place. Among the 2013 inductees is Dr. Antoine Hakim, uOttawa professor of neurology and director of the University of Ottawa Brain and Mind Research Institute.

Dr. Hakim is the visionary behind the Canadian Stroke Network. In 2005, as CSN’s founding CEO and scientific director, Dr. Hakim, along with his team, championed the Canadian Stroke Strategy, in partnership with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.  This resulted in almost every Canadian province adopting a stroke strategy. Within five years, Ontario alone saw stroke patient admissions decrease by 11% and referrals to stroke prevention clinics increase by 34%. It takes steely resolve to change a health care system to that degree.

Antoine Hakim is also the director of the neuroscience program at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI), where he focuses mainly on stroke research.

Please see the OHRI news release for more information.


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