uOttawa News

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uOttawa to lead team of Canadian universities in academic reform program for senior university administrators in Haiti

OTTAWA, February 16, 2012  —  The first training seminar taking place as part of the Programme de formation en gestion universitaire pour les établissements haïtiens d’enseignement supérieur, a program aimed at managers of Haitian institutes of higher learning, will take place February 16, 17 and 18. This initiative was established by the Catalonian Association of Public Universities (ACUP) and the LOMS consortium, made up of four universities—Laval, Ottawa, Moncton and Sherbrooke—with support from Harvard University and funding from the Obra Social ”la Caixa” and the Open Society Foundations (Soros Foundation).

More than 30 representatives of universities who are members of the Conférence des recteurs, présidents et dirigeants d’institutions d'enseignement supérieur haïtiennes (Corpuha) will take part in this training, along with representatives of Haiti’s ministry of national education and vocational training (MENFP).

The main objectives of the training are as follows: to inform participants of current changes in higher education around the world, as well as the role of universities in society; to give participants an overview of new thinking on the management of institutes of higher learning, which should help them to improve their own institutes’ performance; to provide participants with practical skills that will help them to adapt to changes in higher education in their own work environment; and lastly, to support participants as they implement projects to change their work environment.

The training program is divided into four sections addressing the most important aspects of university management: policy and orientation, the mission of the university, leadership and management tools, and future of the university. These sections will include many training modules which will be offered this year during four training seminars in Haiti and a one-week training seminar in Barcelona, Spain. As well, participants will receive individual coaching in order to think of, plan and implement a personal action plan to implement specific projects in their respective institutions.


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