Actualités uOttawa

Experts uOttawa



IRSC/Novartis Michael Smith Chair en Neuroscience
Professeur titulaire
Faculté de médecine

Coordonnées :

Tél. bureau : 613-562-5800 (8307)
Courriel :
Site web

Modes de communication préféré :

Courriel, Tél. bureau

Renseignements sur la recherche :

Our research addresses the role of the serotonin and dopamine systems in Depression, Anxiety, and Schizophrenia.  In particular, our research focuses on genetic and environmental factors (such as early or late life stress) that determine the activity of these systems and the implications for brain function and behavior. We have identified specific gene polymorphisms, gene regulators and epigenetic alterations caused by stress that increase the risk of mental illness and affect the response to antidepressant treatments.  Our current research is to develop animal models of these genetic alterations to identify their role in susceptibility to mental illness and as models to develop new treatments to attenuate the effects of stress, anxiety, or depression.

Other area of expertise: Mental Retardation

Domaine(s) de spécialisation :

Langues :

Anglais seulement


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