Lapierre, Laurent M.

Professeur agrégé
École de gestion Telfer

Coordonnées :

Tél. bureau : 613-562-5800 (4914)
Courriel :
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Renseignements sur la recherche :

Dr. Lapierre’s research focuses mainly on two topics: Work-family conflict and leader-follower relationships. Work-family conflict refers to the incompatibility between one’s work and family obligations, which is related to a host of problems, such as reduced employee health, satisfaction at work and at home, and job performance, as well as increased absenteeism and intentions to quit their job. Dr. Lapierre’s research has revealed that the organization, the immediate manager, the employee, and the employee’s family can each play a significant role in reducing the employee’s work-family conflict. His work has outlined specific actions that each party can take to achieve this goal. In his work on leader-follower relationships, Dr. Lapierre’s gives particular attention to the influence that followers can have on their leaders. A leader cannot exist without at least one follower, implying that employees’ acts of followership would have some influence on the leadership displayed by their superiors. The critical question is: What is effective followership? Dr. Lapierre has begun working on identifying different followership styles among employees and how these styles could impact their managers’ leadership behaviors, such as being more versus less directive, participative, supportive, and inspirational. This research will guide current and future employees on the role they can play in gaining the leadership they need from their superiors. Dr. Lapierre’s research has been published in various journals, such as the Journal of Management, Personnel Psychology, the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, and the Journal of Vocational Behavior. He was made a Telfer Research Fellow in recognition of his scholarly contributions.

Domaine(s) de spécialisation :

Langues :

Anglais seulement


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