Retired employee Adalgisa Chiappa-Draghi has established a scholarship fund in memory of her daughter, Franca, who was felled by cancer on July 25, 2001. Franca Draghi-Rolleri passed away in her home in Milan, Italy. She emigrated to Canada as a child and obtained a bachelor's degree for the Faculty of Social Sciences in 1974 before returning to her native country.
The Draghi familiy has a strong link with the University of Ottawa. Franca's parents, Adalgisa and her husband, Guglielmo, now deceased, both worked at the University for many years.
The Franca Dragha-Rolleri Memorial Scholarship will provide financial assistance to students registered in a language course other than English or French. Preference will be given to a student registered in an Italian course.
To contribute to the scholarship fund, please complete the online form. All donations received before March 31, 2011 will be matched by the Ontario Government, provided that those donations were pledged in writing before December 31, 2005.