University reviewing conflict policies

The University of Ottawa is reviewing its policies regarding conflict of interest (COI) and conflict of commitment (COC).

Federal granting agencies are setting up new requirements for COI and COC and the University’s current policies would not meet these requirements. “There is increased visibility of research projects and commercialization activities and the granting agencies have to ensure the appropriate use of public funds,” said Nicole Bégin-Heick, associate vice-president, research, who is leading the review process at the University.

The new policies soon to be drafted would provide guidance for managing potential conflicts that could arise from material financial interests due to the private activities of individuals; use of institutional resources for private activities; personal relationships; multiple roles played by individuals; and external collaborative activities. “Sound policies will promote public confidence in research and the research process itself, while protecting the institution along with the researchers and their work,” Bégin-Heick said.

The COI/COC working group, which includes representatives from faculties, services and the student community, started meeting in February on a bi-monthly basis and would like to work out draft principles and definitions by June 2005. There will be consultations with the community before adopting a final policy, which should be formulated by the end of 2005.

Please contact the office of the Associate Vice-President, Research, if you wish to share feedback on COI issues or obtain information about the status of this process: