CFI funds five projects on campus

The following uOttawa researchers received grants from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI):

  • Colin Rennie (Department of Civil Engineering), $41,000 to purchase equipment for making detailed measurements of flow across river channels.
  • Rees Kassen (Department of Biology), $200,000 to establish a facility for studying cell and microbial cultures at the University's Centre for Advanced Research in Environmental Genomics, a core unit for interdisciplinary research in genetics and ecology.
  • Marko Kryworuchko (Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Immunology), $75,000 to outfit laboratories at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute with the capability of understanding how HIV affects the human immune system.
  • Martin Pelchat (Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Immunology), $97,689 to assemble technology for the study of features that make infectious viral agents so versatile and hard to treat.
  • Christian Vaillancourt (Department of Emergency Medicine), $70,000, to create the Ontario Cardiac Arrest Registry, an electronic database of  patients who suffered cardiac arrest, major trauma, respiratory problems, or other critical ailments outside of a hospital setting.