Changing lives . . .

United Way campaign co-chairs Denis Bachand and Yolaine Ruel

Denis Bachand
Co-president of the 2003 University of Ottawa United Way Campaign

If there is one sphere where the University of Ottawa truly deserves to be called Canada’s university, it is in community support. The United Way is an excellent example of well-established support. In 2002, we collected $287,841 placing us in the top tier of similar sized Canadian universities.

Again this year, you have an opportunity to change peoples’ lives and contribute to the well being of our community. No one knows what the future may hold. Someone close to you may one day need the services of one of the 150 organizations supported through United Way. The funds raised through the campaign support several objectives: the fight against poverty, youth protection programs, reducing violence, help for the elderly or disabled, and the call for volunteering and community action.

This year, the University of Ottawa United Way campaign runs from October 15 to 31. We believe, based on the success of past years coupled with the arrival of new professors, that it is possible to raise $300,000. To reach our goal, we need everyone’s participation and every donation is deemed paramount. On behalf of the campaign committee, I am proud to acknowledge the hundreds of volunteers who work diligently collecting donations in their respective faculties and services. These dedicated and enthusiastic individuals show us what really counts — mutual effort.

Payroll deduction is probably the simplest way to give. Did you know that a $50 per pay donation means a counsellor will answer the call from 10 victims of domestic violence; a $25 per pay donation gives a low-income individual job training; a $10 per pay donation provides a three-hour counselling session for a person in need; a $6 per pay donation can go toward sensitizing the public to mental illness?

“Give me where to stand, and I will move the earth,” declared Archimedes. With United Way as a pivot, we can change lives. And that is what really counts.

Join us for the United Way campaign launch on Wednesday, October 14 at noon in the salon of the new residence. Be part of the giving chain of people helping people.

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